Chapter 23: This Feeling in my Heart.

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"Shawn?" How is this possible? How is he...alive.

"W-" But I never got to finish what I wanted to say because something hard hit me in the head, making me stumble and lose my grip on the knife.

Right before I blacked out, I could see Shawn running towards me holding his chest, where the knife struck him, with his face twisted in pain with each step.

I remember smiling at the sight, not because I was a freak who loved seeing people in pain, but because of the life I saw in his eyes.

Just before he reached me, I fell into darkness.






I laid there in the uncomfortable bed listening to my own heart when all I could think about was going to Jennifer.

Even though it has only been two hours since I was brought here, my body felt better than ever, but it could be the mass amount of morphine I had in my system.

Sharry tried to give me a sedative but I refused, wanting to be awake when Jen woke up.

I thought back to way she laid there in the field after Zander hit her over the head. I remember kneeling down in front her, touching her beautiful face wondering if I was a ghost but by the way Zander looked at me as well as everyone else, I knew I was alive.

"How are you alive?" Asked the dick who stabbed me.

I didn't answer him mostly because I didn't have an answer to his question.

"Is your wolf gone." He asked with hope. I swallowed harshly, tasting blood. I felt hallow inside, like a piece of me was missing, like my soul was missing.

"Yes." One simple word and an applause ripped through the pack as they stood there watching me and my mate.

I grabbed my chest, feeling the pain intensify with the anger I felt.

"I suggest you stop clapping and take my mate to Sharry." I said through clenched teeth. I guess I still had a little bit of my wolf in me even though I knew he was gone for good.

A tall boy, Matt I think, stepped forward and picked up Jen from the ground. I would have done it myself but I couldn't considering the giant hole in my chest.

I glanced down at it wondering the same thing Nathan was. "How am I not dead?"

My eyes blinked from the sudden light in my eye. I looked at the source to find the knife that had killed me, or almost killed me, a few feet in front of me but before I could make a grab at it, Nathan picked it up wrapping it in a cloth.

We stared each other down before I broke eye contact by coughing and gasping in pain.

I left him standing there and headed to the hospital, wanting to be with Jen.

Enemy of My Pack ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant