Q&A Answers

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Asked by Sarcastic-is-Me 
What's your favourite colour?
Blue!!!! I love the colour blue, it reminds me of the ocean and I love the ocean!

Do you support Katniss & Gale or Peeta and Katniss?
At first I was all for Katniss and Gale, but by the end I was a full fledged Peeta and Katniss shipper. They just worked better together.

Asked by dylanstyles42

Will you make Finnick and Cato meet each other? (Also answered in the comment)
Yes I will. They'll definitely meet right before Cato's games, but they might also meet a bit sooner than that. I also think that Cato is going to look up to Finnick because he hears so many great things about him.

Asked by Nerdy1224

She should be like a ninja assasin. That will be cool

We are getting to that part soon my friend. Octavia will hone her skills, and you will definitely see a more stealthy approach to her fighting style during the Quarter Quell. But how will she learn this? Better stay tuned to find out.

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