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Coming Soon:

We All Fall Down

To Be Released: ????

It’s the kind of heat you push through, the humidity dragging against your body as if you wade through thicker stuff than atmosphere.  Even now, with the sun safely nestled somewhere far beyond the horizon, there is no relief from the oppressive heat.  It’s a physical presence that smothers the weak.

Carnival lights strobe in carefully choreographed patterns to tinned music, the gaiety mocking the dead bodies strewn over the black asphalt.  Mopping his brow with the sleeve of his shirt, Agent Peter Callan sinks into a crouch beside one and tilts his head to inspect the teenager.  On the other side, another man kneels.  The suit coat and tie was abandoned long ago, but his police badge is prominent on his belt.

“Think it’s the same person?” Detective Schubert asks.

Callan purses his lips and, using the tip of his pen, moves aside the girl’s long, blonde hair.  The bullet punctured her not in the chest, but closer to the neck.

“The boy,” Callan asks, nodding towards the dark haired teen sprawled about five feet away. “Head shot?”

“Right through the eyes,” Schubert reports, his expression turned down into a frown.

Callan sighs, his eyes tripping from body to body. “Yeah, it’s the same guy.  Three victims.   All teens.  Girls get shot in the throat or chest.  Boys get their brains evacuated.”

Mouth dry, the detective stands and looks over the abandoned carnival.  “Three killings in three days,” he grunts.  “Just what we need.  Atlanta’s got a serial killer.”

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