Chapter II: Three to Get Married

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To: Zephyrinus Roman

P.O. BOX 30241

125 W 9th St,

Tracy, CA 95376

May 1, 2017

Dear Saint Zephyrinus,

Finally, back home enjoying the less than two weeks that I have left before I go back into the meat grinder. You know I've been looking at pictures of Yosemite, it looks so awesome. I know it's kind of pathetic, but can you believe that I've never been there myself. I don't know why I say that. I guess I just want to emphasize how much of a bad Californian I am. It's about a five-hour drive from home. I assume its close to you since you live somewhere in the Central Valley. I've always wondered the valley is big, its two valleys according to the map. May I dare ask which half you live at? No? Please...I'm joking you don't have to answer. I know the address I send this is not your hometown. Anyways you don't have to answer that. Ignore everything I just said.

Anyways, so I guess my summer assignment won't be as bad as I thought. The parish I'm stuck at is hosting a life teen retreat, and guess where it will be at? I'll give you a clue it close to half a mountain. Never been so excited about a retreat honestly, feeling all giddy like a kid. I had to go buy some boots since we are going to hike up some river and up to the half dome. I guess I just gave it away where I'm going to be. Have you ever gone hiking there? Any tips you have for a noob? My brother let me borrow his tent and camping gear, been airing it out since last time he used it a skunk sprayed it. I feel my life lately has been smelling like this tent. Can I air myself out? I can hear you right now not laughing at that joke.

To answer your last question, yes, I was born in Mexico. My mom was born there too, and she spent the last few months of her pregnancy in my grandma's house. I have two countries I can call myself I'm a citizen of always convenient. I know I'm lucky, not everyone can enjoy the benefits of citizenship. I have a few Dreamer friends and just listening to their struggles makes me cringe, I wish I could do more to help at times. No just in that regard but in general I feel like I don't help or do much in seminary. How's your discernment going? I guess I sound cliché and annoying. Please really do ignore that. I hate having people ask me those question... and here I am asking ha. Although I do have a question I would like to ask, but I feel I must ask for permission before I write it.

I'll be in Yosemite from the 15th to the 22nd of this month, maybe I'll send you a postcard from other there or something. Well, I must go I have a ton of laundry I brought back from Mexico and it won't wash without me. Until next one.

Yours, Callixtus


To: Callixtus Sardinia

P.O. BOX 10789

1945 Contra Costa Blvd

Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

May 4, 2017

Dear Callixtus, the Hiker may the force be with you!

It's from Star Wars. May the force be with you, its May fourth. I'll shut up now. So, if you are still dying from anticipation I'm finally home too and I'm sorry to hear you have a summer assignment, thanks be to god I don't have one. Jealous much? Do not be, I got a job. My uncle has a yard service business, so I'll be joining the ranks alongside his crew. Trimming trees, cutting grass, giving blows to the leaves. Sounds thrilling right? I'll probably die of a heatstroke, don't cry too much at my funeral, please.

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