Section 17: Language

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If you want more information please got to and type the word into the search bar and you find what you are looking for since the words are literally typed, for the most part, as they have it. Some words may not be added on there but they are used so please ask me if you are confused at all.

These are merely definitions, some may get lengthy but that is so it is easier to understand if it is a complicated term. Please enjoy and sorry for this long message before the terms, but it is needed.

If it is in parenthesis, (these thing here), it is not my own words and it is literally copied word for word from the TFwiki so none of the words, unless as stated before in parenthesis, are mine and they go to the respectful owners. They can all be found on the wiki and I have no claim on them except for the fact I am using them in this list here to help others.

Enjoy!~ ( The bold will be the Transformers/Cybertronian terms that will be used. Any questions please ask and I will answer them best I can)


Old Cybertronian/Primal Vernaular: ancient and outdated cybertronian speak

Seeker cant: Seeker tongue, a strange dialect of the average cybrtronian speak. Difficult to understand by most who AREN'T Seekers; almost entirely died out.o

Vosian- first language for Seekers (given to me by Dona_Prime)

Old Malignus- old Cybertronian language ( said to be like Portuguese)

Cybertronix- modern Cybertronian spoken language

Neocybex: Current cybertronian tongue. (IDW G1)

Chirolinguistics/Spoken Hand: vaguely similar to human sign language, used to communicate nonverbally. Must be touching servos-to-servos in order to work, as it relies on "stimulating the nervecircuits in the fingers, wrist and palm of their conversational partner." Fairly common to know some spoken hand.

Praxian- ( I don't have much since I have only read this and don't know if it is 100% official but for bots who are Praxian. like Prowl, this is what they also speak along with the current Cybertronian tongue)

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