[11.] Goods Flashing

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Alex's P.O.V

Stepping out the shower was the first step I had to make in order to make my plan begin.

"Plan To Make Samantha Like me."

1. Stop being an arrogant, self-centered and heartless JERK!!

2. Buy a book about romance for dummies.

3. Read the freaking book!!

4. Keep her by my side at all times by:
Taking her to work with me

★Sharing breakfast+lunch+dinner

Making her move in with me

★ Sharing the same bed together

5. Take her out on dates at least three times a week.

6. Know her likes and dislikes.

7. *vital* Have no contact whatsoever with any other girl especially those from my past.

Now that was the real easy part which needed no effort. That being forming the whole plan. Now here comes the hard part. The part I myself am terrified to do which is practically doing all I have set out to do. All this I have to face which is behind my bathroom door. Never in my whole life have I been so nervous about opening a simple door. It's just a simple manual thing that includes twisting a door knob. Yet instead I am standing in nothing but a towel draped around my lower body half having a freaking stare contest with a door knob.


Okay. I can do this. It's not that hard. All I have to do is walk out with a straight face and enforce my plan. Nothing much. Besides, this is sort of similar to a business idea which I must say I have had a lot of that came out to be a great success. I mean I am a billionaire and that has to count for something. So it's pretty much the same process. I come up with a brilliant plan, make it possible then enjoy the benefits of my work. In this case, my benefits would be having Samantha with me as long as time exist.

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