Chapter 3

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OMG guys i'm so sorry. i continued updating on my FF and AO3 accounts, and I like totaly forgot about this one. which is weir, because I use this more often than FF, but wtvr. (and I just said all of that in a snobby voice-- wow.) (And yes, this is short. I know. I'm sorry. But I like this one short.)

Superman coughed. Batman groaned. Really, by now Batman should be used to it. Why was his life so complicated?

"Um," Superman gave Batman a nervous glance. "What are they doing?"

Batman pinched the bridge of his nose. In front of him were his four family members, only three that were open allies to him. But that wasn't the innerving part. He's gotten use to the fact that his family actually gets along every once in a while. No, It was the fact that Babs was on Dick's back, and Tim on Jason's, all of them with long black blankets tied to their necks in a poor imitation of Batman's cape.

And the song.

Gosh, Batman knew he'd regret letting a Thirteen Year old Dick give him a theme song. Batman really should have guessed that he wouldn't have forgotten about it by now.

"Don't ask," Batman said, turning around. Hearing Jason sing "nanananananananana" was not on his list of things he wanted to do today. No one was dead. No one was dying. That was all Batman needed to know. "Let's go."

"Batman!" Nightwing sung just as the two league members stepped into the Zeta Beam.

Batman really needed some of Alfred's cookies right now.

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