Chapter Twenty-Five

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Luna's POV

The graduation party was coming to an end. Everyone was starting to say their goodbyes. When I said bye to all my friends, I waited by Sapphire's car. I left her alone for the rest of the party, so I didn't really know what she was up to the whole time. Towards the end though, she texted me saying to meet by her car. I was waiting for about 5 minutes when I saw Sapphire approach me. She didn't look at me at first, which I found strange.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." We got in the car, and she started it up. "Hey, is everything alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, everything's fine." She pulled a fake smile on me. Something was defiantly wrong, but I decided not to push it.

We arrived at the house soon after. I opened the car door, but Sapphire just sat there staring off into space. "Baby, I can tell something's bothering you, just tell me." I begged.

Sapphire sighed, and rested her forehead against the steering wheel. "Darcy and I used to have a fling back in high school." She started. "She wanted to be in a full committed relationship, but I only used her for sex."

I didn't know where this was going, so I just kept listening.

"She got upset at the party, because a few of my old friends kept teasing her about it. She ran off into the woods, and I followed her, to make sure she was okay. I was able to calm her down, but before we went back to your friend's house, we kind of... Kissed."

Wait, what? "Okayyy... Um, did you kiss her first?"

"No, I didn't, she took me by surprised." Sapphire paused, probably wondering if she should go on. I would've preferred it if she hadn't. "I didn't push her away though."

"Why?" I practically cried. Did she still have a thing for Darcy?

"I was too shocked to react. I didn't kiss her back, her lips just lingered on mine." Sapphire finally looked at me.

I sighed. "You know I would've rather that you kept this to yourself." I looked out the car window. I was suddenly frustrated. Most of my anger was directed towards Darcy, but some of it at Sapphire. I'm not sure why though. I had experienced worse than this. I had girls use me and cheat on me numerous times, and I was getting so upset over a small kiss.

"I'm sorry, I just thought I should've told you. I mean.. It's not a big deal right?" Sapphire suddenly asked.

I quickly turned to face her again. "No big deal? No big deal!? You kissed her, Sapphire!" I raised my voice and got out the car while slamming the door in the process.

Sapphire got out too, and stepped in front of my path. "Hey, why are you so angry all of a sudden? It was just a small kiss."

"That's what you're telling me, but you could be lying."

"Have I ever lied to you during the span of our relationship? Besides, we didn't have sex or anything."

"Maybe not tonight, but you have in the past. Who knows, maybe you'll hook up behind my back."

"Look, whatever we had in the past is done! And, it's not like I planned this or anything, I didn't even know she'd be at the party!"

"Whatever... just leave me alone." I shoved her out of my way. I was so worked up, it was so unusual for me.

I walked towards the forest. I wasn't sure were I was going, but I just kept walking. While on my journey to nowhere, the mark Sapphire gave me kept pulsing. I ignored it though, figuring it was just trying to get used to my body. Soon enough, I stopped in my tracks, and sat below an abnormally large tree. It was dark, too dark for my liking. I wasn't even sure were I was anymore.

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