Chapter 11: Departure

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Chapter 11: Departure
Kayden Steele

"Kayden, we have 5 minutes before departure and your're just standing here." Quinn said snapping his fingers in front of me. I don't want to go. Sleeping seems like a better idea right now, but I have to do something to make him go away.

I looked at his fingers and bit them. He squeaked and pulled them back. "What was that for, we have to leave soon for the war." He said rubbing his fingers.

"I'm feeling anxious about it. That and I feel like going back to bed." I said yawning.

My parents didn't have any advice when I asked them. All they said was good luck so I'm really worried on what could happen.

"Doesn't mean you have to bite me." He mumbled under his breath. "Anyways we're leaving, so if your ready or not we will leave you." Quinn motioned me to follow him out the door. I sighed, but followed him.

"Alpha, beta, are you ready? Everybody is in position and ready to go? Oh, and nice pajamas alpha." I nodded and went in front of the group. Quinn followed right beside me.

I smiled at the people who were watching their fellow pack members get ready for war. I mean the pack up north has around 20 members or so the tracker said.

"I have... a bad feeling." My wolf's voice came out of no where. Anytime he says something it's usually a singular sentence and he doesn't come back for a while after the comment.

"What do you mean?" I asked in our mind-link. 

"Bad feeling." He blocked me from himself once again and now I'm really worried. If he has a bad feeling then he's gonna give me the bad feeling. Damn it Raile.

I turned to all the warriors wolves and signaled a start. We decided to shift once there since it's not a far distance if you were to run.

My beta and I lead the group to the northern pack. We got there in 30 minutes with a lot of running. I made sure Alex trained them hard. I don't think we attacked another pack in years. It usually causes mass destruction if both packs are well-known, so it's common among smaller packs where werewolf populations are smaller. We aren't the biggest pack out there, but we have enough to defend ourselves correctly.

"One more step and they will be able to sense our presence on their land. Is everyone ready?" I heard the warriors yell "yes sir!" Throughout the mind link and I started sprinting towards the pack grounds. We're on the outskirts, but it's still considered their land.

I couldn't sense anybody coming in our directions. "Keep your guard up, don't shift just yet." Their pack house was at least 40 feet away, yet no one is coming. Is this even the right place?

"Hey Ethel. Didn't you say this was the pack? I think they abandoned it not to long ago." She raised her hands in submission. "Don't blame me. I investigated this same pack when there were patrollers around. Where they are now is beyond me." She said calmly.

After we got closer I could smell the distinct smell of smoke. And blood.

"I have a feeling they were attacked already." Quinn said taking another large inhale and finally exhaling. "Something definitely happened here. You can smell it." 

Once we reached their pack house it was a mess. Most of the house was burnt and there were random puddles of blood. You didn't see any corpses of wolves. Just blood. The place is still kind of smoky, which means they been attacked not to long ago or everyone smokes 3 packs of cigarettes at the same time.

"Your thoughts on this alpha? Technically they lose by default if everybody is gone already. Or we can act like we never saw this and leave?" One of the warriors said. I forgot his name, but it's not my fault that there's to many people here.

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