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The Game Is On

Damien POV:

"Well, we don't actually know Alpha.."

"You don't know?"

"Er..yes Alpha, we honestly have no idea."

"Wrong. Answer."

"I'm sorry Alpha Damien...what?"

"I will ask you again, slowly so that even you will understand. Where. Is. My. Mate?"

Blake's POV:

"Where. Is. My. Mate?"

"I'm sorry, Alpha Scarhill, but we couldn't find her. It seems she was no longer hiding with Alpha Grey and she has gone completely off the radar."

"What?" I demanded in a silkily smooth, hair raising voice. This was the calm before the storm, and this Warrior knew it. He gulped in terror.

"She...she can't be found... Most High Alpha." I could see him trembling and his fear scent filled the room.

"You mean, you can't find her. She can be found and she will be found!" I snarled. " but clearly my pack is incapable of even the simplest of things...."

The warrior stared at me wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights. That was when i made my decision.

"If you want something done, do it yourself. I will find her."

And with that i left the room, slamming, and probably breaking, the door behind me.

Damien's POV:

When my Beta could offer me no answer, i sighed and collapsed into my chair.

Rubbing my temples i inhaled deeply before forming my next words.

"Fine. I will go and find her myself. "

"Alpha, i really don't think that's a good idea, you've just recovered, and-"

"I will go, and that's final." I snapped, "you either come with me or you don't, your choice, but i am going to find my mate."

"Of course i will come, Alpha, it's just-"

I cut him off again."Excellent. Jack can be left in charge in the pack whilst we are gone."

"...of course, Alpha."

"Gather some men and tell them to prepare. We leave at dawn tomorrow."

Blake's POV:

"Listen up, Warriors," I roared at the group of men stood to attention in front of me.

"Tomorrow as soon as dawn breaks over the horizon, we leave to find our Luna!"

A shout of agreement arose from the gathered men and i jumped down from the Ceremonial Rock that i used to stand on when i have the pack gathered for a meeting.

"Get rest and meet here just before dawn." I ordered before stalking back to my house. Anyone who tried to stop me getting to Alice would die. I hated her, but i needed her with me. Maybe i could just lock her in a solitary confinement cell or something so she could never escape me again.

I laughed aloud at the thought.

Alice POV:

I was gathered with Cole and Sam and all of the rouges. There was unease in the air, but also anticipation and excitement.

Battle plans had been discussed. Strategies had been decided upon. Fighting moves had been practised to perfection. Strength had been argued over. We were ready.

Sam and Cole stood together at the head of the assembled packs, with me just beside them. Every single one of the Rogues looked stared at us.

"We are ready!" A roar excitement echoed through the trees before Sam could finish speaking. We waited for it to die down before Cole continued.

"We leave for Blake Scarhill's territory at dawn tomorrow!"

Tomorrow was the day. Tomorrow, i would free myself from Blake's shadow and avenge Damien's death.

A/N: Okay, so, a bit of a confusing chapter, i know. Let me explain a bit incase you didn't quite get it. Damien and Blake both want to get Alice back, and they both have the same idea. To go and get her themselves. Alice is still with the Rouges and still believes Damien to be dead, killed by Adam. Then Blake and Damien both decide to leave to find Alice on exactly the same day, which is the same day Alice, Sam and Cole plan to take the rouges and head to Blake's territory. Alice does not know that Blake is looking for her yet and Blake does not know that Damien is also looking for Alice. Neither Blake nor Damien know that Alice is working with Rouges.
Phew, okay, that was confusing XD hopefully you will find that things become a little more clear in future chapters.

But until the next chapter.

Bye guys!


Rejecting Me Was Your Biggest Mistake (Book #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن