Chapter | 11

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To say Jack wasn't trying to impress Emily would be a lie as that was exactly what he was trying to do but not in the typical fashion of bling pieces of jewelry and expensive dinners as he knew her well enough to know that just wasn't her style. He considered calling Carla for help but if it was to have the desired impact, he had to do this on his own and didn't want another Bublè concert mishap where someone else had claimed the event he planned.

Friday was going to be their date night and since asking her, their routine was otherwise the usual. He didn’t know how she had become such a big part in his life, just like she was left asking Carla the same question. It felt right, normal - nothing was fake or forced and as he walked her home after their run along the river he felt totally at ease. That was until they stop talking about his cricket training from the night before.

"So what have you got planned for me tomorrow night?" Emily teased, finding her keys she had hidden behind one of the pots on her verandah.

"Something so amazing its going to totally surprise you and...."

"You don’t know yet do you?" She interrupted, punching his arm playfully as she headed inside.

"I have a few ideas, but no. No I don't" He admitted.

"We don’t have to go on a formal date, Jack, we can say that run was it” She paused thoughtfully, the mischievous spark that he often looked for appearing in her eyes. “You sure do know how to make a girl sweat!" She laughed; going to the fridge she grabbed a couple bottles of water and threw one at him.

"Very funny, you're a comedian," He answered sarcastically, though the thought of just how he could make her sweat had him gulping down the water much faster than normal.

Come lunchtime on Friday he wished he could slow the clock as he was running out time. Going to get a coffee from the staff room he looked at the notice board beside the fridge, glancing over items some people were selling, advertisements for inner city gyms but it was the picture of Audrey Hepburn that got his attention and he knew he had found their date night, ripping the poster off the wall he ran to make a few phone calls.

"Oh I know! We're going to the casino?" Emily guessed; looking out at the building as they made their way down the entry but turning at the round about, they didn’t go to the casino car parks.

"Nope. Stop guessing, we'll be there in a second" Jack was nervous, Emily could tell. He was constantly fiddling with the ring he had on his right hand and the sweat on his forehead wasn't from the heat as the car was so cold she wished she had a jacket. Flopping back against the leather seat, she took her phone out and messaged Carla, telling her she still had no idea what he was up to but as they turned and pulled up on the grass she looked around curiously, not sure why so many cars were parked over in this area. Even on busy nights when there were concerts on in the arena or a show in the theatre people never parked here.

Jack quickly gout out and practically ran to open her door which had her feeling rather smitten with him. "M'lady"

"Why thank you kind sir" She mocked, getting out she looked around the crowded temporary car park and she realized what they were doing. Taking Jacks hand in her own, she held back her laugh at how hard he was trying and gently squeezed it, trying to reassure him. He didn’t need to do anything for her, take her out and be his gentlemanly self. Pizza at home would have been fine but the effort he was going to was touching. He held her hand tightly as they joined the other patrons heading towards the outdoor cinema.

It was something she had always wanted to do and spying the movie poster beside the entry Emily kept quiet incase he was wanting to surprise her but her smile only grew like her excitement as they went to the VIP sign and Jack got their oversized bean bag chairs and a picnic basket.

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