Chapter Four.

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"Why are you going to regret this-" you were cut off by Bree coming around and entering the room.

"Jeez, what is with you two and rain?" she asks. We shrug and stand up. We reenter the academy.

"Why is it pitch-black?" Chase asked.

"There was a power outage," Bree replied. You had night-vision, so when you looked around, it looked normal.

"(Y/n)," Chase said, "you looked tired out there." You looked at Chase who wasn't looking in your direction. You turned him by his shoulders to look at you. "I'm giving you permission to sleep early."

"Thanks, Chase," you said. You were tired, as you didn't have the most stamina as they did. Heading to the capsule dormitories, you were lost in thought as to what Chase wanted. That was when you ran into someone. You look up and see two ice-blue eyes.

"Sorry-" you tried to say, but then the world went dark.

~*At the Academy*~

The lights were back on and the storm had passed, but there was one thing that was off.

You were missing. Gone without any hint except a note that Mr. Davenport found.

We have her. She will help.

Mr. Davenport ran it through a scanner, which detected that the handwriting matched Giselle Vickers'.

"Any sign of her?" Chase asked, stopping his pacing as Mr. Davenport entered, Adam and Bree at his sides.

"I have a lead," said the grown man. "Giselle."

"But we shouldn't worry," Bree said. "It's not like she has Chase's smarts."

"BUT SHE DOES!" Chase yelled, unable to keep it in. He laughed weakly. "Haven't you guys noticed it yet?"

"Nope." Adam said.

"Then again, she does miss two classes before coming back. I assume on days that she goes to you two," Bree said, the realization fully setting in for her.

"Relax, it wasn't any of your jobs to know." Mr. Davenport said.

"Then who's job was it?"

~*Giselle's Lab*~

You woke up on a table in an unfamiliar room.

"Well, well, well," a voice said that was calm, but had anger and saltiness to it. "It looks like sleeping beauty is awake."

"What do you want with me?" you demanded, your voice shaking with fear.

"Your super smarts," the voice replied. They still remained out of eyeshot as they spoke.

"Show yourself. Show that your not afraid." You snarled. A sickeningly familiar face appears. "Giselle Vickers? The movie producer?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Shut it," she responded, taking a knife and tracing the skin of your left forearm. Your breath picked up, but you didn't let it faze you.

"Let. Me. Go." Your voice came out as a growl. She pressed the knife down hard enough to draw a thin line of blood across the width of your arm.

"No," Giselle answered simply. She snapped her fingers, and Troy appeared at her side.

"Shame we have to kill her," said Troy. "She's kind of cute."

"Never gonna happen," you snarled at him.

~*At the Academy*~

The quartet was dressed in their mission suits.

"Chase, you haven't spoken since we came down here," said Leo, gripping his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he replied. However, everything was wrong. Chase knew his feelings weren't and could never be the same: he liked you.

"I know you," Leo responded. "And I know what you are thinking. We are going to get her back alive."

"I'm just... scared." Chase sighed.

"Don't worry too much. Remember, she's a healer. If she's hurt, she can probably heal herself in the face of danger."

"But what if I love her?" Chase asked himself, just loud enough for Leo to hear.

"Then you won't give up on trying to find her."

~*Giselle's Lab*~

You were bleeding out, something blocking your bionics.

"Well, well, well," a sickeningly familiar voice said. "If it isn't hopeless little, (Y/n)." Out of the shadows came Douglas.


"What can I say," Douglas replied. "The lady wanted help, and lo and behold."

"You should be ashamed of yourself," you spat. Suddenly, an alarm went off.

"Douglas, finish her off. Troy, we have to deal with them again." Douglas nodded and Giselle left. Using now what little strength you could muster, you broke the cuffs open and kicked Douglas, which emitted a metallic sound.

"An android." You jumped off the platform and changed the android so it would replicate you. "Is that really what my hair looks like from behind?" you asked, circling it. You placed it on the table to make Giselle believe that it was you on it. You then hid, waiting for them to arrive.

Once they did, they went up to the android you. Chase placed his ear against the left side. Androids don't have a heart, so there wouldn't be a beat.

"No," Chase said. "No, no, no, no, no! You can't be dead!"

"We arrived to late," Adam said, his voice solemn. Giselle entered the room.

"Ha, you couldn't save your princess," she mocked.


"Don't worry," she sneered. "You can see her again." Giselle pressed a button revealing you.

"What makes you think," you said taking a step forward, "that I would ever join you?"

"(Y/n)!" Chase exclaimed. You held your fist out towards Giselle to take her energy, but Troy had grabbed you by the neck and held a revolver to your temple.

"One more step and I swear to you, I will shoot," he threatened.

"Guys," you spoke, your eyes moving across the group in front of you. "I love each of you with all of my heart. Please, don't let me die and let Troy take over the world. To take him out, you--" Troy cut you off by shooting the gun just pass your head. "Adam, you have to use your blast wave!"

"That will kill you too, though. I can't kill my student," Adam spoke.

"That's a small price to pay," you responded, your voice cracking.

"(Y/n)," Chase said, pain evident in his hazel irises.

"Think about it, Chase. One life versus thousands."

"NO!" Chase yelled. "I'm not losing you."

"You have to, Chase. Besides, it's one measly little life."

"It's the life of the person I love," Chase said. "I'd say that life is important."

Adam revved up the blast wave.

"I love you guys." You said as Adam let the wave go.


I owe all of this to one of you readers who I can't remember because I am on my phone, and it's a little hard to look at who suggested it, but they know who they are.

UPDATE, Danalpswolf suggested it, so thank them!

Anyway, I am really tired, so, night Kittens!


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