♱ Chapter 3 ♱

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DeMalo to the side or above ^>

(I tried finding a not-so-hot guy but they're twins. There is no way... I'M SORRY!)

Alec's P•O•V

It was silent. My hands folded in front of my face, the only thing I could hear was the clock ticking. That was all I could allow myself to hear. If I listened closely to everything around me, my ears would be flooded with the realities. All I wanted was to be alone and not get reminded of this whole situation.

I held my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. My tie was slowly irritating me more and more, feeling like it was going to choke me. My hand shot up to my neck in a blur and tore it. It hung from my neck in a torn manner and I took a deep breath in, only to remind myself that nothing was physically wrong with me.

The tightness in my throat still remained all the same and I was left to deal with it. A quick image flashed into my thoughts of me just ripping out my throat as I had with the tie-

I laid back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. My thoughts were racing. I couldn't quite think about each one as they went by so quickly. The white button-up shirt I wore was sticking to my chest as the old bum's blood started to dry. I didn't mind it though. The thought of it went quickly away just like the rest as more important thoughts replaced it.

I couldn't close my eyes. The impossibility of it made my head hurt. There was no way I could ever sleep. No way I could shut off my thoughts either. It's like my whole body was alive and buzzing inside me. Yet, I was still. Silent. Hell, everything was silent, but that didn't count the thoughts. They were too loud.

Everything seemed to fly by. What felt like minutes later, the sun was shining on my face. I was too lost in my thoughts to even realize how much time had passed.

A hard knock came on my door and my head snapped towards it. I got up slowly and walked to the door. Opening it, my brother looked me up and down.

"What happened to you?" DeMalo said without surprise, just curiosity. He was already in my hotel room. I closed the door and sat back down on the couch.

"Nothing," I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.

"What happened last night? You look like a wreck," He asked again and looked out the window down at the city. I had started to take off my shirt so I could get a clean one on.

"DeMalo! I said nothing happened," I snapped at him. By now he had flicked his eyes towards me and looked at me in confusion. He stepped towards me, looking me up and down, almost like an inspection.

"Eyes seem distant..." He mumbled to himself. "Fidgety behavior, blood pressure is peaked, obvious stress..." He paused, contemplating with his hand rubbing his chin, and continued to look. Then he took a small step back.

"You found her," He said in shock quietly and smirked, finally coming to his analysis. I shot my eyes up to look at him and gave him a harsh glare. I didn't believe him for a second.

"No. I did not," I said slowly. He still continued,

"If she was hurt right now," he paused to point at the ground, "what would you do?" He asked unexpectedly, taking a step towards me. I could feel my pulse rise at the thought. He scoffed weakly with a cocky grin on his face as he heard it. Of course, he could, as much as my face was expressionless, he could tell how much his words had affected me.

"What would you do if she is already in love with someone else?" He taunted me. My throat got tight again and I just stared at him blankly. Don't let him affect you. He was just testing me; trying to prove me wrong. He wanted me to admit it.

Suddenly he got this wicked look on his face like he just had the best thought.

"How would you feel if I slept with her-" DeMalo started to say, but I had already shot up from the couch and grabbed him by the throat. Slamming him against the wall across the room, I held my tight grip on his throat. He coughed a little but gave me a self-assured smirk.

"That possessive already huh-" He coughed out. I shoved myself away from him and took a couple of steps back. I glared at him as my whole body was shaking.

"Shut up DeMalo," I snarled at him. I shook my head and turned away with my hands in my hair. I knew he was right. I had already made my decision the second I saw her. Yet, somehow, I never really did decide. Something else in me did that for me. It felt like I had no power over my decision.

"What? Is she hot or something?" He asked in an arrogant tone.

"That's not it!" I boomed in rage. He was just trying to make things worse. That's all he ever wants to do; start up drama.

It was quiet for a few minutes until I could hear him start to walk to the door. I turned to look at him. I was surprised he was walking away from his fight so quickly.

"Are you coming or not?" DeMalo asked as he opened the door, looking back at me.

"To do what?" I grumbled and pulled on another button-up shirt.

"What do you think dumbass?" He said exasperatedly, insinuating that I was being stupid. Which, yes, I was lost by what he meant. Then he said the words I never wanted to hear,

"We're going to go see your mate."


Yes! New chapter but I'm sorry it's a little short. I was debating adding a second part to this chapter but I thought I could split them into two chapters. Evil, I know right.

Thanks to all you guys who are reading! Please help recommend this story to others! It's greatly appreciated ❤️.

Comment here what you think so far-->



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The Killer's Weakness : an epic novel filled with Thrill, Mobsters, and an Enthralling, Unexpected Romance.

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