Chapter 5

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It's 4:00, the sun still down, as the nights darkness is still controlling the sky. The couple sits at the air quite air port as the line to get on the plane goes by slowly. Mitch having two bags on his back carrying Sky's as it started to get heavy for her. As the line moved the couple slowly made their way to the front. The clock struck 4:30 and they were finally at the front. They give her the plane tickets and show them their passports before making their way on the plane and to their seats. Finally both of the couple sit down in the already uncomfortable  seats. It took another 30 minutes before the plane finally took off flying up in the sky.  It was about a 16 hours, 54 minutes, plus all the time to change the flights so it was almost a day when they finally arrived in Australia, it was actually light out, the sun was just rising as they got out of the cramped air port. The air was hot and cool at the same time. Mitch and Sky walked over to a car Sky thought they had rented, but in reality  it was Damon's car. He packed everything up and then opened the door letting sky get in tiredly. He closes the door and gets in on his side as he grabs the keys from his pocket and puts it in the engine and starts the car. He looks over to Sky and see's that she is already past out in the car. He chuckles darkly and pulls out of the air port riding somewhere into a desert. 

It was hours before Mitch had to fill up gas that was hidden somewere in the car. He has already almost driven for a day, Sky still asleep through everything, as she was drugged by Mitch. He had slipped some pills in her water when they had first gotten off the plane and it knocked her out for a while. He keeps driving across the red desert as he finally see's some sight of green and brown. He drives towards the new forest and drives down a small path worn out already, he drives another hour or so before getting to a hidden house in the trees. The house is panted black and white, its a pretty big house and looks run down but can still have people live in it. He goes over to it parking the car in the small garage. The door of which the cars come through slowly closes, Mitch's eyes wander tell they meet the bright blue eyes, of his best friend's. A smirk showed on his face, his skin slightly pale and his hair a little longer then before. He walks over to the car, as Mitch gets out to greet him. He steps out of the sliver small car and stand up straight glad to stretch. 

"Mitch. You made it. Good. Everything is set."

"Already talking business? I just got here, and you did't even say hi." Mitch said teasing him. He rolled his blue eyes and looks in the car and smirks seeing Sky. 

"I am glade to have her back now. I would say we should punish her but her being with you is enough punishment." He chuckled and stood up straight. Mitch puffed his cheeks out slightly and looked away.

"Yeah because you know you hurting her isn't worse." Mitch said mocking him and smirks at him. Their eyes both narrow at each other before chuckling and looking away. Mitch goes over and open the trunk.

"Come on and help me with these. Then we can get Sky in the house." Mitch said his voice quite slightly, Damon nods and starts to help them bring the bags the brought in the house and put away. Mitch went back out the car and opened up sys side grabbing her and picking her up not having trouble. He closed the door with his hip and brought her inside and in her room she will be staying in. The shades are drawn and the bed is made, and everything is put away. He sets her in the queen size bed and looks at her and smirks before chuckling darkly.

"Welcome back to hell baby."

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