Eighteen: Walking Into A Trap

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Why was I crying? Isn't it every girls' dream to get married and have children? Is this the question you're asking?

Yah, I guess that's most girls' dream, but not mines. I just wanna enjoy sex with whom ever, and when ever I want!

Don't you want the same? Do you want to be bound to a guy for the rest of our life? Washing clothes, cooking food and taking care of children, whilst your husband could be out there f*cking down the world?

"Was this the life I want?" I asked myself in the heat of confusion.

Dabbing my eye, hot and swollen from hours of crying. Rasing myself from the bed, I walked to the dresser and inspected my face in the mirror. Resting my right arm against my cheek I rubbed my face. I was hot as hell.

I was running at around a hundred degrees Celsius! Something to draw concern however I nearly smiled at myself, as an idea popped into my head.

Some of you, and by this I mean most of you, may consider my idea stupid or even crazy, but for me. It was the perfect plan to relieve me of the stress and clear my thoughts.

Okay. Here's the plan. I was gonna call Andy over and force him to fuck me!"

You remember Andy? Right? Yah. He's that same, thick, muscular guy I was admiring at the picnic, in the park. And yes. Sandra my best friend had invited me.

Picking up my purse I took out my iPhone and punched in Andy's seven-digit cell number. After about two rings I heard Andy's masculine voice booming from my phone's speaker.

"Hello, who is there?"

"It me, Sasha, come over to my house now, please! There's an emergency, I need your help!" I cried, trying to sound as desperate as possible.

"Sasha, Just stay where you are, I'll be right there," Replied Andy reassuringly, as he disconnected the call.

I couldn't keep myself from laughing, there was no emergency. Andy was just now an ant in my web.

"He's going to be so frightened when he sees my big belly, he's not gonna want to fuck me, but can you escape from a spider after being entangled in its web?"

"No, and Just the same here, Andy will have to fuck me. He won't escape, I won't let him," I said to myself smiling at my cruel but satisfactory plan.

Dropping the phone on the bed I hurried downstairs to the kitchen to set phase two of my plan into action. I needed the house to myself, at least just long enough so I could have my way with Andy.

"Mo....m, I'm feeling sick, can you get me some fever medicine in town, please?" I begged, rubbing my throat and forehead.

"Anything for you darling" Replied mother picking up her Coat from a nearby stand in the hall.

"I have some unfinished business of my own in town. I'll just finish them while I'm there," She continued, kissing me on the forehead.

"Oh my, darling! Your temperature is very high, please take rest. I'll be back as soon as possible" Said mother putting on her coat and heading out.

"Bye mom"

"Bye darling" Replied mom, as a cab stopped and she got in.

It wasn't snowing outside, however it was very cold, my teeth chattered. I could feel the coldness of the winds as it penetrated my skin.

I wasn't wearing a coat or sweater. And I could feel my fingers turning icicles, yet I remained still on the front porch until the cab disappeared around the curve.

About a quarter of an hour later, Andy arrived.

If only he'd known my plans, and what was to become of him? he'd jumped back on his bike and race away!


Dear Readers: This book is to be published Soon, however, I'm leaving the first draft online for all to read for free. If you're enjoying it, please help spread the word by VOTING, COMMENTING, ADDING to your public reading lists, and SHARING with your friends.

Thank you! <3

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