F I V E | Meeting The Alpha

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{Pack School. Edited}

Song: Don't Let Me Down

Artist (s): The Chainsmokers

If you call one wolf, you invite the Pack.


Alec instantly jumped off me, while I pulled down my shirt which had ridden up during our tickle fest. We all sat in silence until Chance finally decided to speak up.

"Dinner in five. You will be introduced." he said looking between me and Alec. He continued this for a good minute before turning around and walking out.

"Well, that was awkward" Alec sighed walking to the mirror to sort his hair out before we had to go downstairs. I should probably do the same. So I did. A few minutes later, we were both walking downstairs to the kitchen, which was full along with the living room. Chance spotted us and waved us forward. When we were too slow, he stomped towards us and literally dragged us with him.

"Alright, quieten down" Chance yelled over the noise stopping the on-going chit chat.

"As you've probably already heard, we have some visitors in our Pack. Alpha and I both expect you to treat them with respect and represent us perfectly. Please welcome Alicia Faye, the daughter of the Shadowless Beta and her warrior Alec Creed" I hadn't met the Alpha yet. I wonder how he is and whether the rumours were true. I personally do not believe rumours unless I experience whatever it is first hand. The wolfs howled in welcome before re-staring their conversations. They weren't interested. Chance led us to a the cook, who was a sweet old lady in her late fifties and handed us our dinner. I quickly finished my dinner before heading back to my room. Alec did the same.

Tomorrow I would be starting school. A brand new school with brand new people. The only good thing was that Alec was with me but I still felt a sea of anxiety deep down. I guess I was just worried. Worried about being exposed. We would just have to wait and see what life had in-store.


"You ready?" Alec asked poking his head through my door.


We decided to walk to school since it was only a five minute walk and I needed the fresh air. Talking about fresh air, I'm thinking about going for a run later this evening. When I saw the school entrance, I was in awe. This school was so fancy. All we had was a simple building with the school name on it. It was nothing compared to this. I looked towards Alec only to see him holding the same expression as me.

We walked through the doors and got some not so subtle stares. 

Weren't we introduced yesterday?

Not everyone was there.

Good point. But, they knew they had some visitors. My wolf didn't reply after that. Alec stood slightly in front of me like he usually does when we're in public. He took his job seriously. I ignored the whispers and focused on only one task. Finding my classroom. Alec had different classes compared to me because he was a year above me. Though we were both in sixth form, he was in Year 13 while I was in Year 12. Not a massive difference, but there was one. 

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