A Visit to the Clinic

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Copyright © 2013 by Ladylurve

All rights reserved.


"Hello Mrs. Cooper? This is Helen calling from Wonder Nursery. I'm afraid I have some bad news about your son, Jake."

Lisa's heart sank. Just when she thought things couldn't possibly get much worse, a call like this came through.

"Yes? Is he okay? What's wrong with Jake?" Lisa replied, the panic evident in her voice as she anticipated the worst.

"Mrs. Cooper, there is no easy way for me to say this but there's been an accident at the nursery. Your son fell down in the bathroom and cut his chin on one of the tile's edge." Helen said calmly over the phone.

Lisa gasped and tried to think of what to do. She switched the receiver to her left hand and reached for her purse using her right hand.

"Cut? Is he bleeding? Oh my God! Please tell him I will be there as soon as I can." Lisa told Helen as she fished her purse for her mobile phone. Come on, where is it? Panic sets in as her mind formed horrific images of Jake's face and chin covered in blood. The nursery's attendant sounded calm when she continued talking on the phone.

"Please calm down, Mrs. Cooper. We are managing at the moment but it will be best if you can hurry over and take him to the clinic. I am running the nursery alone as we are low on staff. Otherwise, I would have rushed him to the clinic myself so that he could get the stitching done quickly." Helen voice was clear despite the background noise of toddlers wailing.

"What?! He needs stitches? I'm on my way, Helen." Lisa hung up the receiver. Her right fingers immediately punched her husband's numbers. Her right fingers and arm shook as her brains begin to process the information delivered by Helen just a few seconds ago. Hang on, Jake! Mommy will be there soon...

The dial tone indicated that the phone was ringing but no answer came through. Oh come on, you must pick up. This is an emergency; she tapped her fingers on the table impatiently. Jake's bleeding and his dad is not even answering! I can't even get him when something so important like this is happening to his own son? She fumed in silence. She hung up and tried the number again. Still no answer.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Lisa grumbled.

A few of her office mates turned towards her. Some shook their heads and others just turned away, mumbling disapproval. Not having the emotional strength to deal with her office mates, Lisa grabbed her purse and stood up and walked towards the door. She didn't know what to do but sitting down and trying to call her husband isn't going to help her bleeding son. If she leaves the office, she can try and get a cab or something. Walking quickly towards the door, Lisa tried to think of the best place to get a cab. Her office was not located in the city and sometimes getting a cab can be tricky.

"Lisa!" She turned and saw Chris jogging towards her from the copy room. He was carrying a stack of papers.

"Chris, I'm sorry but work will have to wait. I don't care if I get fired over this but -" Lisa mumbled on but before she could finish her sentence, Chris interjected.

"Whoa whoa... wha...? What's going on? Where are you headed to?" He looked at her, concern on his forehead.

"It's my son." Lisa blurted out, tears forming in her eyes and before she could help herself, they rolled down her cheeks. Surprised by her reactions, Chris quickly fished into his right pants pocket. Some papers fell to the floor in the process. He took out a clean blue handkerchief and passed it to Lisa. The papers, now lying on the floor were left ignored by them.

"Hey hey... Here, take this. What's happened to Jake? Are you going to the nursery? Let me take you there." He volunteered.

"Tt..haanks Chris. I thought you don't have a car." Lisa mustered, wiping her tears.

"I don't but I'm supposed to fetch Mr. Allen from his meeting at 3 p.m. Danny's off work today." Chris smiled and took out the car keys from his pants and jingled it in front of Lisa.

For the first time in the last few days, Lisa managed a smile. Chris's eyes twinkled. He put the stack of papers on the floor and shouted some instructions to the office secretary, Denise, and turned to face Lisa again.

"There we go. Come on." Chris pulled her right hand and marched her towards the door.

Lisa felt lucky that her office was not too far away from Jake's nursery. On the way to the nursery, she looked out of the window and counted her blessings that Chris was there to help with transportation. She had no idea how soon she would have been able to get a cab and take Jake to the clinic if not for Chris's help.

When they reached the nursery, Lisa jumped out before the car came to a complete stop. Chris watched her go and suddenly felt protective of her. He realized, as he watched her trying her best to smile at her crying son and the caretaker of the nursery who was apologizing profusely, that she was putting up a brave front. But he sensed something else was going on. The way she broke down at the office earlier was not just about today, that much he was sure of. He got out of the car and helped Jake with his bag while Lisa reassured Helen that she understood these types of accidents can happen to anyone.

"Don't worry, Helen. I'll talk to my husband. I'm sure he will understand too. We have to get going and get Jake to the clinic now." Lisa said and smiled.

Underneath that smile, Chris could see a mother who was just glad and very thankful that the damage on her child is not life changing. Helen smiled nervously and waved them goodbye.

On the way to the clinic, Lisa dialed her husband's number on her mobile phone. Again, no answer. She sighed and placed the mobile phone in her purse. Chris observed her from the corner of his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked. His eyes stayed focused on the road.

"Yea. Just trying to get hold of my husband and tell him about Jake. He doesn't know yet," she said softly. Her fingers continued punching her mobile phone. Not long after that, she gave up and turned her head to look out of the car window. Lisa felt herself tearing up again. Come on, pull yourself together. She closed her eyes and tried to stop the tears that were finding their way out. Be strong for Jake, be strong for Jake. Do this for Jake, she said silently to herself while her eyes remain closed. When she opened her eyes, Chris was gently rotating the steering wheel to park the car. Although she wanted to say thank you there and then, she couldn't bring herself to say it without breaking down again. She tried to regain her composure.

"Chris, I'll take it from here. I'm sure you have lots to do in the office. I don't want you to get into any trouble," Lisa forced a smile and glanced quickly his way before turning her face to open her door. Chris felt a quick stab in his heart at her words. He ignored it, got out of the car and helped her get Jake out of the car. They started walking away from the car when Jake turned briefly towards him and smiled.

"Thanks Uncle!" He attempted a big smile, and then winced when it hurt his chin. Lisa's hand was on his shoulders when he turned back towards the clinic and walked away with her.

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