Chapter Ten: Bar Brawls and Arachnophobes

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Camila and Lauren were inseparable for the rest of the week. From going to the movies, to unannounced shopping sprees to general domestic shenanigans, they covered the whole week. Lauren had forgotten what it was like to spend time with someone who actually understood her. Spending time with Camila was as natural and easy to Lauren as breathing.

Slowly but surely, Lauren had fallen in love with Camila all over again.

It was with that love that Lauren looked at Camila. She was sprawled out on top of Sofi's bed, watching Sofi play Wii Tennis with Camila. And judging by the way the latter was throwing herself around, Lauren could tell she was losing abysmally.

"I think my controller's broken," Camila groaned, smacking the controller repeatedly.

"Your controller's fine; you just suck." Sofi said smugly, as she scored another 15 points for herself.

"This game is rigged!" Camila barked when her player failed to execute a proper serve.

Lauren let out a bark of laughter, saying, "You're just a sore loser, Camz!"

Camila glared at the two giggling girls as she unstrapped the controller from her wrist. Lauren laughed even harder when she threw said controller at her. Camila being a sore loser was one of the funniest things to Lauren. The way her face scrunched up and she stomped her feet left Lauren in tears.

"Eat a dick, Jauregui!" Camila bit back, causing the girls in front of her to gasp dramatically.

Sofi rushed over to Lauren who put her hands over the little girl's ear, saying, "Not in front of the children, you monster!"

Camila's grin grew far too wide, too feral, for Lauren's liking. Her heart leapt into her throat.

"I'll show you a monster," Camila said, her hands poised and ready.

Sofi rushed off immediately, and it was then that Lauren realised what Camila was going to do. Through laughter, Lauren said, "No, no, Camz—"

Camila pounced onto the older woman, viciously wiggling her fingers over her sides. Lauren couldn't stop laughing, despite her best efforts to slip free from under Camila. Lauren doesn't remember how long Camila sat on top of her.

She does remember pushing the girl off and falling off of the bed. Taking advantage of Camila's dazed state, Lauren rushed off and hid in the closet. She shut the door behind her, giggling in pitch darkness.

When Camila started banging on the closet door, Lauren pushed back even farther into the closet. Something cold touched Lauren's thigh. Reaching down, she felt a smooth, curved surface poking against her.

Turning around, she groped around in the dark until her grasped the object. It felt heavy and lopsided. As she ran her fingers across it, she could feel loosely tuned strings against her fingertips. She choked on air when she realised what she was holding.

She pushed out of the closet with the object held tightly in her hands. Camila stood outside the door, ready to pounce. She was about to, until she saw what was in Lauren's hands. She stood frozen where she stood, arms still held up.

Now in the light of day, Lauren could see the instrument in its' entirety. Familiar names were scrawled out against the painted wood, all signed in white ink. The strings were loose, not yet tuned. In fact, Lauren didn't think this guitar had even been played yet.

"Isn't this the guitar I bought you for your birthday?" Lauren asked, looking back and forth between the instrument and Camila.

Camila nodded, smiling almost, as she said, "Yeah, I forgot I even had it."

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