Chapter 2: Charmaine

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The King did not flinch as the crystal decanter hit the wall behind him, fracturing into thousands of tiny fractals on the marble floor.

He gazed cooly at the girl in front of him. Her cream riding coat was unbuttoned and her chest rose and fell heavily. Her cheeks were flushed the same vermilion as her trousers and her soft brown hair was tumbling from its plait.

"If you are quite finished-" he began, glancing up at the ceiling with a slight shake of his head. But the girl cut him off, climbing onto the long mahogany table positioned between them. She kicked an elaborate glass vase filled with midnight lilies to the floor.

"I," she began, picking up a golden edged plate and hurling it in the direction of the startled guards who just burst through the door. "Don't," she continued as hundred year old glasses turned to dust beneath her boots. "Need," she picked up a fork and threw it like a dart into the portrait to the right of the King. It hit his likeness square between the eyes. "A husband." She was stood directly in front of the King now. Chest heaving. Fists clenched. She was as deadly as she was radiant.

"Leave us," the king told the guards, who were still hovering by the door. They didn't need telling twice, and retreated swiftly into the corridor.

"Charmaine," he began, his tone calm and placating. "One day, you will be a fine queen, with all the poise and wisdom the role requires. Your... Temperament, however, can sometimes be found lacking. I, your future advisers and the citizens of our fair kingdom would feel far more comfortable if you had someone at your side. Someone to... act as a calming influence during your more passionate moments."

Charmaine lowered herself into a crouch before her father, her amber eyes ablaze. "I'm not calm enough for you, father?"

"You have numerous qualities, Char, and I would not change you for the world. But ruling requires something more. Someone superhuman. No one can do it alone and no one should want to. Your zeal and passion will do wonders for our kingdom, but there will be occasions when a softer approach will be necessary. When kindness and diplomacy will get you further than fury and power. A successful marriage will provide a balance. And heirs, of course."

Charmaine jumped from the table onto the chair beside her father. Once she had settled herself into it, her legs swung over the arm, she spoke again: "What if I want to marry a woman?"

The King sighed. "Then our line will end with you and your advisers will be left to squabble over the Kingdom. But so long as she stops you from spearing foreign diplomats to their chairs when you disagree with them, I will give you my blessing."

"So how do you propose we select this calming influence?" Charmaine picked one of the glasses that was still intact and drained its contents in one go.

"My advisers can draw up a list of suitable candidates. I'm sure we can find some suggestions. Perhaps the Prince of Rosenberg-"

"Snowdon missed the entire last term at school due to the... unusual circumstances surrounding his current relationship and he has his hands full since his step-mother's untimely demise. He is not on the market. Why does it have to be a foreign prince anyway? If this marriage is supposed to help me, not form a political alliance, why could it not be one of our own courtiers?"

"Charmaine, if you already have someone in mind, just tell me who it is. It will save a lot of time." A small smile played on the King's lips. Charmaine curbed her impulse to break something. Her father's plan to marry her off might have been insane, but his comments about her temper weren't completely off the mark.

"I have no one in mind." Her words were cold and meant to indicate that no further debate would be necessary.

"Are you sure? I seem to remember that before you went away to school there was a boy..."

"No there wasn't," Charmaine answered quickly. Too quickly.

"Yes there was! Charmaine, you've turned scarlet! Now what was his name..."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Charmaine picked another fork up from the table. It was a pretty, elegant implement, designed for chocolate torts or baked cheesecakes. Charmaine stroked it gently as she spoke, then stabbed it into the table.

"Never mind," the King continued, still smiling. "Your mother will remember."

"I'm not after a childhood sweetheart. What I want..." Charmaine paused for a second, looking around the room in search of a distraction, a way to curtail this ridiculous plan. She hadn't even finished school yet; she certainly didn't need to get married any time soon. She needed to buy herself enough time to convince her parents to see sense. "What I want is a party." Charmaine's eyes gleamed.

"A party?" For the first time, her father looked unnerved. She'd said something he wasn't expecting. Buoyed by her success, Charmaine continued.

"Three of them, to be exact. Balls. With all the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes in the kingdom invited. That is how I will choose my calming influence." There. It would take months to organise. Maybe she could convince them to leave a month between each one. Or a year...

"Perfect. We'll have the first tomorrow." Charmaine's head snapped up. She stared at her father in shock. She must have misheard.


"Yes. Tomorrow." Her father was looking far too pleased with himself. "No time like the present. I'll let your mother know and get started on the preparations. She'll be so pleased to hear that you're on board." With a delighted smile and a happy whistle, he stood up and left the room, leaving Charmaine sat in stunned silence.

He was half way down the corridor before he heard the first of the crashes echoing through the room behind him.

{What do you think of Charmaine? Was she what you expected? Please let me know what you think with a vote or comment.} 

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