Chapter 26

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Julianne didn't know what to think as she travelled back home with one camera guy. All of them, Pauline, Chloe, and Penny left the ranch to go back to their homes and prepare their families to meet Zach.

Well, unluckily for Julianne, she didn't have any family. Not one living relative she could identify as flesh and blood.

"Aren't you going to invite someone?" the camera guy asked when she just sat on her couch doing nothing.

"No," she answered, not looking at him.

He shrugged and raised his camera.

"Can I take a shot around?"

"Sure," she nodded, reaching for her phone.

Diane was the only person she called, but not to invite her over. It was to check in and ask about the tour.

"It's nothing without you. We had to cancel the next trips because we're not sure how long you're staying in that show!" Diane exclaimed. "Where are you now? Aren't they doing some family meeting stuff?"

"How did you know?"

"I watch the show, Julianne," Diane said dryly. "Do you want me to come over?"

"No," she answered in haste. "I'll handle this alone. I'll bore the Bachelor to death."

"Whatever you're doing, it's nothing close to boring him. You're still in the show!"

"I know, I know, but I'll tell you about it when I get out."


"Soon," she promised and talked about her book and her next project. "Yes, I'll do it. Okay, bye," with a sigh, she replaced the phone back on the receiver. She looked around her living room and decided to clean up. Zach will visit the three other ladies first so that means she had three days on her own.


Zach was on his way to the first family meeting he had to suffer and it was Pauline's. Pretending to not to not like her was difficult and he couldn't imagine how to further stretch his newfound talent of patience-stretching when he would have to be with her and her family.

He was just trying to neutralize his feelings when the limo stopped outside a big house-a really big one-and with a sigh, he climbed out, straightening his shirt.

Pauline was already waiting by the door with that big smile on her face that he had learned to despise. Never in his life had he hated a woman as much as he thought he hated Pauline. With a forced smile, he walked the rest of the steps towards her and gave her a peck. That kiss was for the camera guy tailing him, of course.

"Hi," Pauline purred as she tucked her blonde hair behind one ear. "Ready to meet my family?"

Zach gulped and nodded. "Sure, excited to meet them."

He thought he'd be facing one simple blonde family, but never in his wildest dream had he imagined facing a football team of guys.

Pauline has seven brothers. Big, big brothers. Football team big. And by the look on their faces as he came through the door, he was sure they were not pleased to have their little sister swooning over a guy like him.

Oh, shit, Zach cried inside his mind. He should have brought Liam with him. Though the two of them wouldn't stand a chance against seven big men with menacing eyes, it would still be better than having the skinny camera guy as his comrade.

"Zach, meet my brothers, Kyle, Tom, Jerry, Pete, Cart, Mike, and Steve," Pauline uttered with excitement, motioning with her hands. "Guys, meet Zachary Astor." She uttered his last name like it was Buddha's. But Zach didn't feel like his name mattered to her brothers. They were still glaring down at him.

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