Chapter Two

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By morning, Lily was still recovering from her violent night. Physically, she had miraculously healed - her bloody knuckles were non-existent, only the slightest trace of scarring, but not noticeable to someone who wasn't looking.

For a while she thought what happened was a dream, that her music spun her into a wild, impossible scene; she saved an alpha and fended off werewolves with her inner creature.

But Lily couldn't find her waterproof jacket.

In the 'dream', she had given it to little Alice to keep her warm and dry, and Lily didn't recall taking the jacket back. Alice had run into someone's arms, but then Lily had run from them both, too driven by shock to stand the sight of the family reunion.

Sitting at the edge of her bed, she looked over at the small picture frame on her bedside table. A dark wooden border of a life she would never forget. That picture, along with a few other select items, were Lily's most valuable possessions.

In the picture, she herself was barely eleven years old. Little Lily stood in front of the four, in the middle of her two sisters, and her two parents behind them. The five of them were smiling in front of a waterfall, her mother and father grinning, hands protectively over their daughters' shoulders. Rio and Delta, her two older sisters, were beaming on either side of her, Rio sticking two fingers up behind Lily's head. Delta had her long, dark hair in soft waves, smiling to the side so her hair was like the waterfall behind. They all had the same shade of soft brown eyes, despite the different hair colours they had. 

Lily was the only survivor of the car crash that killed them a year later.

Sighing, she bounced off her bed and turned to get ready for school, eagerly looking forward to the end of the day when she was free from the torturous life that was Nova High.

In a way, it wasn't so bad. She was just the outcast of the entire school because she hadn't found out what species of supernatural she was, so Lily never had the same classes as the other students. In fact, she only had the compulsory classes of English, History, and Maths like everyone else, and the rest of her time was spent in the library studying in a hope to identify what she was. 

Yeah...not so bad indeed.

As Lily, after throwing on a long t-shirt, jeans and heel-less boots, devoured her platoon of a fruit platter and glass of milk, she heard her aunt moving about upstairs.

Olivia Haphern wasn't her aunt by blood. She was her mother's best friend before she died and it had been in her will that, if anything dared happen, Lily was passed to her. It'd been six years since the Morgan family died and Ollie had been a beautiful, caring guardian to her despite their differences; Ollie was incredibly human, and more alive in the morning than Lily ever could be.

Lily let her head hit the kitchen counter when she heard Ollie slide down the banister, letting out a high squeal of delight. Lily almost left the house early when she spotted the fluffy dinosaur boots and the Lord of the Rings themed pyjamas. 

"Lily!" She sang and Lily groaned. It was too early for her aunt's outrageous personality. "It's a wonderful day today isn't it?"

"The day hasn't started yet Ollie," Lily groaned, her eyes drooping from lack of sleep.

"Oh but it has!" Ollie laughed, massaging her shoulders with firm, energetic hands. Lily flopped in her chair, just stopping in time so she didn't fall in her breakfast. "It started when we woke up!"

"I'm not awake."

"Come on Lily, liven up!" Ollie encouraged as she made herself a cup of coffee. "What does your day look like?"

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