Chapter 38

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“So, are you sure that's the man who raped you?” the police asked me. I slowly nodded.

“Yes, I'm positive,” I said. I couldn't help but feel bad as I sat there in a small room at the police station, it felt like I'd committed some sort of crime.

“You believe me, right?” I couldn't control my tongue, the words just slipped out. The atmosphere made me really insecure. The police smiled her kindly smile and let out a small, short laugh.

“Yes. Sadly, you're not the only one who's been abused by that man.” I could feel my eyes grow bigger in surprise.


“There's actually another girl, here at the station right now, who's been through the exact same thing as you. She has just identified him and answers some questions at the moment. If you want to, I could let you meet her and talk to her, with her permission of course. It is something we usually do and it's actually a big help for both of you, in your process of moving on. It's up to you.” I though about it for a while. It actually felt good to know that someone shared the same experience as me, even though it's a sad one.

“Sure. I'd love to meet her.”

“Great, I'll talk to her when she's ready.”

I looked out a window as I passed it and saw the familiar range rover on the parking lot. Harry was waiting for me outside. Harry, my angel. He saved me from something horrible today. Who knows where that man was planning on taking me. I smiled at the car, in case he could see me and continued to walk through a small corridor right behind the police.

“Here, have a seat. I'll go and talk to her,” she said and gave me another smile.

“Okay.” I sat down and started to finger on the zipper of my bag. Can you believe this. It was finally over. My life can finally start to get back to being normal again. I don't have to worry anymore. I guess this also means that I have to tell my folks about it. There's no way this will get pass them without them knowing it. Shit. Oh well, maybe it's worth it, just to finally get some peace and rest, but I'll make sure they get to know it after dad's honeymoon. Just the though of being able to go to the grocery store without holding my breath and constantly look around to make sure that people can see me if anything happens made me so happy. I didn't have to do that anymore. I can finally take long, refreshing walks in the parks without worrying that the man is running behind me, the sound of his steps being blocked out by my own headphones. Sure, something like that can still happen, I was smart enough to realize that. But I wouldn't let this stop me from living my life. I can be more prepared now. I mean, I have the greatest boyfriend in the world, he can protect me. I should be happy that it all went well too, I haven't got aids and I'm not pregnant because of the man. At least that's been some comfort. And now, like I said, it's all over. And I can't even explain with words how amazingly good it all feels. It's unreal.

It didn't take long before the police came back and gently placed her hand on my shoulder as I sat there, grinning like an idiot. I looked up at her face and knew that her news were good.

“She's ready to see you now.”

“Amber's here,” the police said and opened the door. I stood behind her, so I couldn't really see who was in there. I was actually a bit nervous. I wasn't that used to talk to strangers, but since we've been through the same thing, I guess it'll be easy to start some sort of emotional conversation. The police stepped aside and gave me a smile.

“Good luck sweetie.” I gave her a small smile and held my bag in a steady grip as I entered the room. I couldn't help but drop my chin as I saw the girl, sitting in an armchair next to an empty one. A small light came from a lamp that was placed in the window. I bet the girl became just as surprised to see me as I was to see her.

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