Chapter 10 ~ "Try not to maim my son too horribly."

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A/N: Don't hate me, guys XD

Chapter 10: "Try not to maim my son too horribly."

"Jordy and Lulu's here!"

Three tiny bodies slammed into my legs as soon as I entered Luke's house, each giggling like hyperactive sugar bombs.

Despite almost falling flat on my face, a sincere smile lit up on my lips when I looked down and saw three of Luke's younger siblings.

He was the oldest out of the Tarrone brood which consisted, from oldest to youngest, of: Luke (17), Sydney and Jude (14), Harry (10), Hunter (5), Noah (3), and baby Sandy, who was almost two.

"Hello, my lovelies," I said gently to Noah, Hunter (who, actually, was a girl), and Harry. Sandy gurgled somewhere next to me, her little tooth baring up at me. I smiled at her and swooped her into my arms. "Hello, baby," I greeted, nuzzling her nose with mine.

An arm slung around my shoulders and I glanced to my left to see Luke looking at me and his siblings with a soft look in his eyes. My smile slightly faded and I looked away, tempering the blush in my cheeks.

"Danny, you left your glasses at our house," I heard a sweet voice say near my knees. I shuffled forward and glanced down.

"Really, Harry?" I asked, relieved. "I thought they were gone." I only wear my glasses for reading, and they'd disappeared about a week ago, which made it so hard to read the school reports.

"Syd has them," he said frantically, nodding his head.

I smiled down at him and ruffled the beautiful golden hair that ran in the family. "Thanks, Squirt," I replied cheerily, dodging away from Sandy's grasping fingers as she reached for my ears and hair.

"Alright, chickies, let's let go of Jordy now," Luke exclaimed, prying Harry from off my right knee. Harry gave a shout of protest, but then stopped struggling, kicked Luke's shin, and ran off.

"Thanks Lulu," I said in amusement, raising an eyebrow.

He flushed at his adorable nickname while rubbing his shin, and shot a 'fuck you,' look at me which I gladly reciprocated.

"Noah, honey, let me go," I told the cute little boy, who was the carbon copy of Luke, down to his large, twinkling hazel eyes. I smiled softly down at him and kneeled down, Sandy still in my arms.

Hunter and Noah stared at me as I untangled myself and stood back up, stretching out my free hand. Hunter immediately grabbed it and left Noah to giggle and jump into Luke's waiting arms.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Despite my  problems with Luke and his annoying attitude, a man that was good with kids was the sexiest and most heart-warming thing ever.

Don't even give me that look. No, I was not blind. Luke was a sexy beast, and he had a good heart. But let's be real. We could never be together because we were just too different. I know, opposites attract and shite, but when two people are too different, it's just as bad as when you're too similar.

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