Chapter 47

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"I think we all could do with a hunting trip," suggested Garret. The Cullens and the Denalis were trying to grasp the enormity of Amelia's gift. Eleazar wasn't joking, Aro would do anything to get his hands on Amelia and make her a part of the guard, no matter the cost.

She was an asset, powerful beyond her wildest dreams. Her gift made the Olympic Coven even more powerful, and that in itself was a potentially volatile situation. There was no way they could go unnoticed, with five gifted vampires already in their large coven of nine, soon to be ten. Amelia would make number six, a fact that worried Carlisle and Eleazar more than they were letting on.

"I agree," stated Carlisle. There was a flurry of activity as everyone hastened to prepare themselves for hunting.

"I will stay behind," said Bella, "Renesmee will be back soon. Go and hunt, Edward, you need it. I'll take Nessie home."

"Sure. I will see you later then, Bella."

"Esme and I will hunt nearby in case we are needed at the hospital," said Carlisle.

"Eleazar and I will join you," said Carmen.

"Call us if you need us," said Rosalie.

The Cullens and Denalis left, everyone splitting up their separate ways. Edward and Bella walked to their house, before separating as well. Alair met up with them, wanting to hunt as well. Her shift had ended, and Amelia was sleeping peacefully when Alair had left her.

No one thought to remain at the house. An hour into the hunting trip, the phone rang once, twice, a third time. The answering machine kicked in and recorded the various messages, which steadily got more and more frantic. In the Mercedes, a cellphone lit up with an incoming call. Carlisle's cellphone. A second cellphone rang from a handbag on the third floor – Esme's. Both of them had left their cellphones behind.


An alarm sounded at the nurse's station at the ICU. The night staff glanced up, realising that something was wrong with one of their patients. They only had two, one of whom was chatting to one of their colleagues while she gave him a bath. That meant it could only be the teenage girl who had been brought in three days ago, Dr Cullen's sick daughter, the one who had been released from isolation to the general ICU ward. They ran towards the room, to find the teenager having a suspected grand mal seizure. They immediately went into emergency mode, trying desperately to stop the seizure.

After a hefty dose of medication, the seizing stopped. They relaxed a little, but were worried about Amelia's heart, which was not coping with the stress of the seizure. They called Dr Westsmythe, who promised that he would be on his way in the next few minutes. They then tried Dr Cullen, no response. They tried a second time, a third time, each time leaving a message for him. They tried his cellphone but there was no reply. They tried Mrs Cullen's cellphone and again there was no reply.

"She's seizing again!" called one of the nurses. Back they went to Amelia's room, desperately trying to stop it. By the time Dr Westsmythe arrived, Amelia had had a third seizure.

"She's in status epilepticus," stated Ellie, Amelia's night nurse.

"We've given her 10mg diazepam intravenously, but nothing has worked so far," stated another, Hayley.

"Labs are in!" called Rebekah, running into the room. She thrust them into Dr Westsmythe's hands, hoping that they held some answers.

"Damn it, there is nothing useful in here!" exclaimed Dr Westsmythe as he scanned through the results, frustrated beyond measure.

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