f o u r t e e n.

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So hey there guys, I now allow you guys to kill me. Just go ahead. I suck at this now a days. So Update on life. I moved back to Louisiana, got a new job then got fired because I wasn't cut out for it. Eh it'll be okay. I will be starting college in the fall, no worries.

It rained for about 4 days here, and everything is flooded, so I though since I can't hardly go out and look for a job, I will update my book! YAY!

I'm back with the last and final chapter! My next book will be coming out soon. So I'm going to try to make this chapter as long as possible. I'll TRY. But lets get this shit done.

So left off at Evan finally getting the nerve to look for our lovely girl Azalea. Azalea is stuck in the basement of Ashton's house, Ashton is treating her like shit. She hopes that Evan will soon find her, or maybe she could escape some how. ~




I ran, I did nothing but run. I ran away from the pain, the suffering, the cops, and the heartbreak. She was there, I felt her. I knew she was there with him, not in his arms, of course. I finally figured it out, she was there all along, no matter how many times he told me he didn't know her.  All I knew now was I had to fight for my princess, but I didn't know how to begin the war. 


I went through her phone once more, hoping to find some information about her location. But the only thing I could find were messages from Ashton and I.  I wondered if she was with him, once more. So I called him once again, trying to get the truth out of him. 

"Hello?" He answered his phone, as usual.

"Ash, are you sure you don't remember Az? Because I feel like you do. " I questioned once more, hoping he would tell me. But a part of me knew he wouldn't, a part of me knew I had to find her there, in his house. Something was telling me she was there, in pain and crying out for me to find her. I knew she was scared, I knew she wanted me there. I wanted her here, in my arms, once more. I knew nothing could be perfect. I wish I could take her home, where she belongs. 

"Evan, I told you. I don't know who you are talking about. Now chill, and get some rest." He told me, with that he hung up. I sighed against the phone, then closed out, locking it. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take the fact she was gone, and no one remembered her. I was hurting, because I couldn't find her quick enough. I need her here with me. 

I sighed kicking my trashcan over, screaming once more. It was killing me inside, and he knew it was. He knew it was making me crazy, he was watching my every move, my every thought. He knew this was going to happened. He planned this to happened. I groaned, grabbing my keys to my car, to head to our favorite place, and our last place. I stopped my car down the road from their house. I walked up into the house, behind it so I could climb up into it. As I climbed, I thought about her, once more. I didn't know what to do if I couldn't find her, or even failed to get her out. I made it to the window, hoping, maybe to see her in there. I opened her window, jumping into the room. I almost called out her name before realizing that she was gone. My body started to hurt again, knowing once more she was gone. 

Scars. / / Evan PetersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant