Chapter - 18

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WOW!! 260 votes in 15 hours!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Honestly that was awsome!

LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! Thank you all sooo much!

And looky here, I think this is my first time post two chapter within 24 hours! *Pads myself on the back*

Best part is, I have SOOOO much other stuff I should have been doing but I decided to write instead. Bawhahah! See thats how much I love you guys, I choice to ignore my other responsibilities so you guys dont have to wait to long!

Okay... Now.. Here's part 18... I'll have part 19 up sometime this weekend!

PLEASE vote and Comment!




Chapter 18

I stood frozen on the spot as fear stirred up inside me. Even the curtains against the window were dark and heavy blocking out the night's sky. Again I spoke into the silence, "Is anyone there...?" I stuttered out of fear but there was no response.

I was about to take a step forward when I heard the floor board creek which automatically made my eyes begin to water. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. I was so scared I wanted to burst into tears. I already had a fear of the dark and being in here in the darkness with some unknown person had me shaking and hyperventilating.

"Who's there?" I cried out again - silence.

I didn't know what to do as my body stood paralyzed in one spot, so I decided to try screaming for help. The second I was about to open my mouth a cold hand clamped over it preventing any sound from escaping my lips. I panicked and tried to scream but it was muffled against the unknown hand. The hand was too big to be a girl's so I knew it had to be a guy's.

Swiftly I turned around and was about to start hitting him, but he completely overpowered me. He pushed me hard in the shoulder as I went flying across the room and my head smashed against something hard as I felt warm liquid begin to cover my head. Dizzily, I reach up and touched the thick liquid oozing out of my head and instantly I knew it was blood.

I began to scream at the top of my lungs. I felt his hands wrap around my ankles as he pulled me down towards him. "Shut up!" He hissed.

I tried to put a face to the voice but I was too panicked to focus. Rivers of tears were now flowing down my cheeks as I squirmed to get away but his hold on me was too strong. I could feel my strength fading and my body began to shake with pure terror as I realized I couldn't escape.

"What's wrong Stasee? You can go around kissing everyone tonight but me?!" He gritted through his teeth. "I saw you with Damen on the lawn and then Derrek in the kitchen. What about me, don't I get one!"

He locked my feet down with his legs as he began crawling on top of me. I tried to punch him but he blocked it by grabbing both my arms and pinning them against the floor. I screamed out in pain as my wrists were smashed with force between the floor and his hands. My head was still pounding and I could feel the blood dripping down my neck and soaking my back.

"Please..." I cried out, "J-just let me go...I'm so-sorry! I'll give you a-a kiss if that's what you want..." I stuttered through my sobs. My breathing was erratic I kept gasping but felt like I couldn't get enough air into my lungs.

A malicious chuckle came from him as he began forcing his legs between mine. "No, I want more than a kiss."

I tried to keep my legs together, but he was too strong and heavy. I screamed out again, wondering where the hell everyone was. This was supposed to be a party surely people had to of heard my screams, why wasn't anyone coming? I felt so alone and scared and vulnerable.

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