Chapter 12: Fly away from here

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Lexa's POV

"What are we gonna do now?" I ask, helping Clarke putting the last stuff to the back of her car. Oh god, how grateful I'm now that we put down the clothes before jumping into the water. It's enough that my hair is all wet and sticky, sending cold vibes through my spine everytime the wind blows.

"I don't know," Clarke shrugs her shoulders, shutting the door and going to the front of her vehicle.
"You- what?" I laugh, "you don't know? Are you aware it's you who's driving the car?"
She flips her blonde hair soaked with water over her shoulder, grinning at me as she sits in the car and slams the door. I walk to the other side and do the same; waiting for a proper answer. I stare at her blankly, eyes widened.

"I may have a little idea," she keeps smiling widely.
"What do you mean," I say, "are we not going home?"
It's killing me how she's acting all mysterious. Also, I'm worried about where we are going. I may have forgiven her now but that doesn't mean that I trust her.
"We certainly aren't heading home. But it will be a surprise," she pauses dramatically, "a surprise you will like. Believe me."

She starts the motor and drives out of the meadow, back on the street. I don't even try to ask her again, I just hope it turns out well. She turns the other way than we arrived, the never ending grin still lightening up her face. I wonder what she's up to.

"Turn it up!" She suddenly yells, rolling down the window. The light breeze enters the inside of the car, making Clarke's wet hair fly to one side. She stops at the red lights and turns the volume up herself, making all people in circuit of thirty miles jump with the sound. Including me.

"C'mon girl, everyone knows this song!" She screams, dancing to the rhythm. "Pushing up my buttons babe!"
She makes me laugh when she starts singing. Eventually I join her with dancing and singing, making weird movements with my hands and sounding like a deer. I start swinging my head from one side to the other, making my humid hair go wild, spraying bits of water all over the interior.

"Hey!" Someone's yelling from the car behind us, honking like a dog is jumping up and down on his steering wheel.
"Go fuck yourself old man!" Clarke leans out of the window, "Like the two seconds you'd wait would kill you!"

The song continues and so do we, only little safer, keeping our head on the road. We're acting like crazy, screaming the lyrics of the song out of the windows, honking at people passing by. "Join us!" Clarke calls at a young group of people walking on the sidewalk. They don't have a chance to respond, we are too fast to even notice how they reacted. Clarke is like she went totally crazy, letting the sounds of roaring motor fill the whole street. I have a bad feeling she will damage the car but I don't worry about it anyway. Too happy and caught in the moment to care.

"Shit, I really love this song." She says when it ends and I put the volume a little lower so we can hear each other.
"Trust me, I noticed," I laugh, "where are we now anyway?"
I look around, spotting nothing familiar about this place. The intensity of people in the streets is lower so I assume we are in fact going out of the town.

"Honestly?" Clarke suddenly maneuvers the car to the side, stopping harshly by the sidewalk," I have absolutely no idea, Lexa."
She gets out of the car and leaves me sitting here, only wondering what the hell she's doing. The sound of the trunk opening catches my ears, making me get out of the vehicle too.
"And what are you doing now?" Seriously, this girl is unpredictable.

She puts our sleeping bags out of the trunk and closes it again. "Do you like adventure?" She asks, the sweetest and hottest smile at the same time appearing on her face.
My eyes widen as I walk closer to her. "Seriously?" I say, frowning but can't help with grinning, "we are somewhere on the edge of the city. Where do you even want to go? Tomorrow is school." And it's my first day back among people.

Clexa AU °Safe Haven° [#Wattys2016]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu