Chapter 3

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May the moon, silvery beams

Rap tap tap
My head shot up and my neck protested the movement, as did most of my body. The doll stared at me innocently in its chair. Buttery sunshine streamed through the window and spilled onto the floor and the walls. The rays of light gleamed off of the dolls cracked face, enhancing its scars. I lifted an arm and rubbed away the morning from my eyes. I groaned, realizing how crappy I felt. My body was stiff. My head was foggy. My throat was grainy.
Rap tap tap
It came from behind me. The ever so faint sound of tapping on glass. I slowly craned my head so I could look. A loud pop erupted from my neck. " Ouch!" I quickly slapped a hand to my screaming neck. A figure stood at the window and I had to squint to see more clearly. My sister's kind face stared back at me and she waved sweetly.
"Are you going to let me in?" Her voice was muffled from the thick walls.
"One second." I mouthed holding up my index finger.
Creaks and pops came from all over my body as I stood up. I groaned and allowed my back to pop entirely. I turned down to look at the deceptively uncomfortable couch and made a note to self to never sleep on it EVER again. I stretched one last time also making a note to do some yoga later.
I decided not to keep Jen waiting outside, so I motioned for her to follow me through the window. She nodded and I made my way to the front door. I opened the door and let the beautiful day into the house. Cool air pooled in from the gaping door. Outside the wind rustled the trees and birds sang in the sky. I stepped onto the patio and the cement chilled my feet.
Jen appeared from around the corner carrying a duffle bag in her hand and a bright smile on her face. She wore a flannel top, dark skinny jeans, signature heels, and sunnies (sunglasses). She had cut her hair since I had last seen her. It hung just above her shoulders in a sharp mahogany a line. Her long lashes framed her silvery green eyes. Her full lips were painted rose pink and it made her skin glow.
Me and Jen are identical twins but I have always considered her the pretty sister. Her eyes are more green. Mine are more brown. Her cheekbones are higher and more chiseled. Mine are rounder. Her dark hair hung strait. My hair was naturally wavy and long. She was clearly the winner of this genetic lottery.
Her mouth opened wide and let out a giggle. "Danny this is brilliant!" She spun around to take in the whole view. She removed the sunnies from her eyes and placed them on her head. "You're giving me a tour right?" I smiled and nodded inside the door.

"Eww gross Danny. Please tell me that you are getting rid of this." Jen spat in disgust at the painting of the Heelshires. "Jen, who would buy a painting of people they don't even know? There is no way I could sell this." I said raising an eyebrow at her. "And besides their story is too tragic. If I get rid of it I will be disrespecting their spirits." A curious look gleamed in Jen's eyes. "Tragic story? Do tell." I pointed to the boy. "This was their son Brahms. He burned to death on his eighth birthday." Jen curled her lip in horrified disgust. "And the Heelshires here, they committed suicide last year." I looked at Jen and gave her an I-Told-You-So look. She looked at the painting once more, brows high on her forehead. She turned to me after a second or two and said "All the more reason to get rid of it."

By the time we reached the third floor Jen was already planning all of the family parties she would be hosting here. I had to keep reminding her that this was my house and she would have to ask me for my consent. I don't think that she understood that the reason I bought this house was to get away from our family.

Jen was being her nosy self peaking her head in each room before i could show her myself. I thought that she was fully capable of giving herself a tour, so I headed to the bathroom at the end of the hall to freshen up. In the middle of splashing water on my face I heard her call my name.

I wandered back into the hall to see what was up. I found her standing next to a ladder in the middle of the hallway that ascended to a square hole in he ceiling. I stared at it in shock. Charlotte never showed me that their was an attic. I felt stupid for never looking up. "How did you ..." I began. "It just opened!" Jen's smile was open. I furrowed my brows at the ladder. "This house is awesome Danny! Secret doors in the house." She said looking to the ceiling. "Yeah." I said absent mindedly. "I wonder."

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