Part 14

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“Get your butts out here! Dinner!” Neil yelled to everyone. In our dorm there wasn’t enough room for us to sit together at a table so Jason and I had the bright idea of sitting on the floor. We pushed all the couches to the walls and used the cushions as seats.

“I feel so oriental,” Jason laughed as he sat down.

“Yes, because hamburgers are clearly an Asian food!” I giggled taking a bite out of my hamburger.

“I think you’re funny Jason,” Mandy said sliding her hand into his lap, eying Aaron.

“Thanks!” Jason laughs, oblivious to Mandy trying to make Aaron jealous.

I felt Aaron stiffen next to me as she began to taunt him.

“Music?!” I grabbed the remote for the Bose and turned it on. Bad Things by Jace Everett was playing. I couldn’t help from jumping up to dance.

“When you came in the air went out!” I began to sing, “And every shadow, filled up doubt!” Neil sang with me while everyone watched. “I wanna do bad things with you!” Neil and I locked eyes and burst into a hysterical fit of laughter.

“Am I missing something?” Mandy asked in her snotty tone.

“How do you guys not know this song?” I sat down leaning into Aaron and eating a few  French fries off my plate.

“Because we don’t listen to stupid shit?” Aaron said, he and Mandy laughed.

I moved back to my own cushion and looked at Aaron, his smile smug, “fine,” I changed the station to Maroon 5 never gonna leave this bed.

“So, who’s excited for school?” Jason asked picking up on all the weird tension.

“School kills my soul…”I took a sip of my water, “and I don’t even know what classes I’m taking.”

“On the first day they hand schedules out. Even I know that,” Mandy said in a bitchy tone.

“You know what-” Neil cut me off, “How about we go for a walk Liza,” he asked.

“Fine,” Aaron didn’t even protest.

“Since I cooked and Jason and Eliza set up for dinner, Aaron and Mandy you need to clean up. Got it?” Neil ordered.

They both nodded, clearly appalled at the way he was talking to them.

As soon as we got out of the dorms I couldn’t contain it anymore, “What the hell was that?! I feel like I’m in the friggin’ Twilight Zone..”

“Every time Mandy comes around it’s like this,” Neil looked at me apologetically.

“He’s still in love with her,” it was just a statement, not accusatory or anything, just a simple statement.

“I think so,” Neil grabbed my hand at I let him, he and Jason were my only real friends here.

“It’s my fault for rushing into things with Aaron,” I mumbled.

“You can’t sit still, I’ve known you for less than a month and even Jason knows that you are a little scatterbrained sometimes,” Neil poked my ribs and I giggled.

“Hey, at least I’m not some big tough guy jock. I go to gym, I eat protein, I sleep,” I mimicked a caveman.

“Hey! We’ve gone over this! I’m insecure about my girlish figure,” He dropped my hand and wrapped his arms around himself.

“You’re such a baby. Race you back to the dorms!” I began running at a full on sprint, hearing Neil yell hey behind me.

Gasping for breath I pushed open the doors to the dorm and rain into the elevator, as the doors closed I saw Neil running for the stairs.

Stuck at Boarding School, Rooming with 3 GuysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora