7 | Runaway

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My head hurts.

My neck hurts.

My back hurts.

My arms hurt.

Basically, my whole body hurts.

And who is to blame for this? None other than Jace Langlois.

He took his word seriously when he assigned me as his 'personal maid' until he gets well. After I cooked him the horrid veal kidney,he gave me a long list of what to do as his personal maid. He made me do so many chores that I lost count. I cleaned all eight bathrooms and bedrooms, fixed the faucets of every broken sink, sweeped the dust from his gigantic bookshelves to the smallest crevices of hundreds of picture frames in the mansion. He even made me rearrange all his clothes in his wardrobe and polished his shoes altogether. He even went as far as purposely messing his neatly folded ties and socks just to mess with me.

After that, I watered all the plants and flowers in the garden. And let me tell you, it took me about an hour to finish watering them all. Then I threw all the useless junk kept in the garden storage and raked the fallen leaves away.

I finished doing his damn chores at four in the afternoon. I didn't even eat lunch or snacks at all. So now, I'm feeling pain all over my body. Sweat is sticking all over me and my hair looks like a bird's nest. I also keep sneezing from all the dust and my eyes are getting watery.

Fuck this shit. I'm gonna kill myself to prevent any more stupid torture.

"Servant! Prepare dinner!" I heard Jace yell from the front door.

I stood from my position on the dirt and turned to face him. He's giving me his signature smirk which I hate and love so much.

I gave Jace the middle finger then walked away. Screw dinner! I'm leaving this hell hole!

"Hey! Where are you going!"

"Far, far away! From you!" I yelled without stopping my pace.

I hurried my pace and led myself to the main gate of his mansion. Thankfully, there's no guard and the gate isn't locked.


I glanced behind me to see if Jace followed me. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw no one. At least he knows when to stop. I slowly opened the gate, then ran. I ran as fast as I can. I don't care where I'm headed, as long as I won't see even a glimpse of that fucking asshole.

I can't take it anymore. Jace is just evil. Pure evil. He doesn't care about the feelings of others. He's so selfish and overbearing. I hate men like him. If it weren't for people like Jace, my personality wouldn't be so jaded.

Jace's mansion is located a few meters from the main road. Before you can see the gate, there's hundreds of trees around it and there's a wide pathway at the middle that leads to the main road. I stopped running and just walked my way to the road, while looking behind me every once in a while to look out for any presence of Jace or his bodyguards. So far, so good.

When I finally caught a glimpse of the main road, I stopped.

"What... am I doing?" I said to myself.

Why am I running away?

Was it because I'm tired of Jace's antics?

It's like I'm running away from my problems. And my parents always told me that running away to escape everything is a cowardly move.

My legs wobbled and I suddenly knelt to the ground. Then as if on cue, rain started to pour. I can also hear thunder roaring angrily. It's as if the weather is scolding me for what I did.

I'm such a coward. If my parents were still alive, they would surely give me a day-long lecture about life and other boring stuff.


I jolted. I heard a familiar voice but I couldn't pinpoint where it came from. I looked around but the pouring rain slightly blurred my vision.

"Kei! Where are you?!"

I stood abruptly. It couldn't be...


I turned around slowly, and behold. Jace is standing there, looking down at me. He's holding an umbrella above us.

"Kei! Are you going crazy? Why did you run away? Je suis inquiete!" He yelled.

"W-what are... you doing here?"

He sighed exasperatedly. "I came looking for you!"

I scowled. "Yeah, right. You came looking for me so that you'll give me more chores and torture to do. Well, news flash! I'm not coming back to your prison house, asshole! I'm leaving!"

I started to walk away from him but much to my distaste, he followed me. He tried to put the umbrella above me but every time he does that, I dodged it. We kept on walking like this for a couple of seconds until we got to the sidewalk of the main road. I stopped walking and turned to face him angrily.

"Will you stop following me?" I hissed.

He rolled his eyes. "Stop being so immature and come back home."

He grabbed my wrist but I slapped his hand away. He looked at me in shock.

"No! I'm leaving, Jace! I won't let you drag me down with your shitty personality!"

"You're acting like a child!" He retorted.

I shoved my finger to his hard chest. "No, you are the one who's acting like a child! I hate you so goddamn much and I would never ever tolerate being with you! In fact..."

I took off the wedding band from my ring finger and threw it at him. He didn't catch it though. He let the ring fall to the sidewalk full of puddles.

"There's your fucking ring, jackass! I'm leaving! And this time, for good!" With that said, I waved for a taxi. It didn't take long before a taxi stopped in front of me. I opened the door and hopped inside.

I didn't spare another glance at Jace and just looked straight ahead.

"Where to?" The driver asked monotonously.

I crossed my arms. There's only one place I could get to without having Jace finding me.

And hopefully, he will never find me.

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