Out of the woods

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"You have to listen to me honey. Run as fast as you can. Take the path we made together. You won't come across wolves there. Go. Now." My father said, holding me at arms-length. I could clearly tell that his wolf was straining to get out but he's trying to keep it at bay for my sake.

"But father-" I tried to reason out but he cut me off by shoving me a little to the tree line. I can't leave my family. If they will fight, I will fight with them. With that thought, I grasped my father's arm tightly not wanting to let go. "No." I said vulnerably.

"Lia, please honey. We will find you after all of this is over. This is for your own sake. You have to go now. I love you." He said before kissing my forehead and hugging me tightly. My eyes teared at his words. I have no choice on this matter.

"I love you too father. Come back with mother and max. I'll be waiting." I said to him with tears falling down my face before I turned around and ran towards the tree line immediately finding the path that my father and I created.

I gasped as I woke up from a dream. I breathed heavily, trying to calm myself down. It was more of a memory than a dream. I have been dreaming of that scenario for the past three years of my life. If only I could forget. It has been three years since I last talked to anyone in my family or my pack. I'm quite surprised I haven't gone crazy. Two years ago, our packed was attacked by a large number of rogue wolves during a celebration. As an alpha, my father stayed behind with my mother and brother to fight together with the pack. I escaped like the coward I am and left my pack and family to fight on their own. As time passed by, I felt my bonds with my family and pack grow weaker until one day, it was just gone. I have no idea as to whether they are alive and together or just dead. Until now, I am still holding on to my father's words. We will find you after all of this is over. I would like nothing more than to stop hoping and just forget but I can't.

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