Prologue 'Uneasy'

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The Woodland Realm: Halls of the King. SA 3441


{Clara POV}

I feel uneasy.

Actually I'm not sure uneasy is the best word to describe my current mood. My stomach feels knotted, and my chest tight. Like the beginnings of a panic attack are about to hit me. But I don't really have anything to panic about on this fine evening - very bizarre indeed?

I glance out over the vast network of our underground city, attempting to see if there is anything out of place, but of course there isn't. Lamps are being lit, and the pavilions and bridges are emptying, as the city quietens for the night.

Absently, I chew on the nail of my thumb, and then smirk when I realise this is a habit I most certainly learned from Thranduil. Sighing, I straighten the lace sleeves of my silk ivory robe before tying it securely around the clean, white, cotton of my nightdress. It is a little early to be dressed for bed, but I couldn't be bothered redressing after enjoying a long overdue bath. If anybody wants to have an audience with me tonight, then they'll just have to accept my current state of dress, because I am too wound up to worry about fashion right now! Deciding that there is probably nothing I can do about my frame of mind - and chalking it up to anxious wife syndrome - I retreat into my home.

With a frown, I survey the damage of Celairiel's playful adventures. My bed has been turned into her own personal fort, which obviously underwent some kind of siege...judging by the disarray pillows and lack of blankets. Groaning I set about picking everything up, and begin the arduous process of remaking my bed, only to be disturbed by a loud growl, and an extremely hyper excitable elfling shriek. I literally face palm myself when I hear the clatter and breathless laughter of three mischievous elflings, as they bomb through my own personal living quarters.

"Help Nana...HELP!"

I flinch slightly at the shrill squeaking of my daughter, as she races into the bedroom, hauling a rather puzzled looking Tauriel with her. I suppress a snigger, but before I can even open my mouth to respond, she is leaping up onto the bed again, and brandishing a feather pillow defiantly.

"Don't worry Celairel...I will protect you!" The flamed haired elfling courageously proclaims, as she slides in front of my imperious little daughter.

"No!" Celairel snaps, and to my shock and amusement, she pounds the pillow over Tauriel's head; "You don't fight...I'm the King, and I protect everyone."

"Queen, are the Queen!" Tauriel sighs, and rubs her head...clearly she is used to this treatment. "Only ellyn are Kings."

Celairiel simply shrugs, and resumes her defiant position, whilst gesturing wildly for me to get behind her; "Quick Nana...or the horrible Legolas beast will get you."

"Oh...oh dear!" I feign panic, and scuttle behind her on the bed. Tauriel titters at my expressive features, but she still remains off the bed and ready to fight if necessary. I have to admit, I do love playtime, even if it does mess up the house.

There is a growl in the doorway, and I do my best terrified gasp whilst clutching my daughter around her tiny waist.

"I am not scared of you!" Celairiel shouts, and narrows her eyes expectantly at the doorway.

"You should be," Comes a growling voice that sounds suspiciously like my son. I roll my eyes, and smile fondly. His voice is no longer childlike, but boyish and youthful, he is practically a teenager now, but he still clings to that wonderful innocence of childhood. I reckon it won't be long until he starts sounding more like a grown ellon - oh but I don't want to think about that.

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