Chapter 8

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***AXEL'S POV***

"Are you crazy?! This girl is a freak I mean look at her! Look at her family!" My sister yells
"Stop it Savannah. Don't talk about my mate like that. She's been through enough."
"Still. You can still reject her. Or better yet, she can reject you."
"Savannah. You need to cut the shit and stop. Just deal with it. Sky will be Luna of our pack."
"Are you kidding me? She's not even a where wolf!"
" I'll take care of that! I'll turn her into a where wolf! Then I'll mark her..."
"Oh please, I hope rouges come and kidnap her."
Savannah starts walking away as I run after her and grab her wrist. Tight. I say with a deep tone letting my wolf speak,
"Don't. You. Ever. Talk about my mate like that again. Do you understand me?"
Savannah nods and I let go, as she walks into her room and closes the door. I feel bad now... I have no choice. I must protect my mate. I've never been aggressive with any of my family. Except when it comes to my mate. That's a different story.
Sky's sister looks exactly like her... That kinda scares me. Sky is a pretty girl, and so is her twin.

***SKY'S POV***
I go upstairs to my room and check up on Rose. Of course grandma is already in there. She said she hasn't seen Rosalind in 14 years.
"How's she doing?"
"Good." Nana says
I put the bowl of soup down onto my nightstand. I sit on the side of the bed and sigh.
I can't imagine why mom and dad would leave Rose like this. I mean what where they thinking? Rather have her kidnapped by the black Ash Lycans than her living in that horrible abusive dump.
We hear a sudden knock on the door. Axel steps inside.
"How's she doing?"
He comes to the bed and sits down on the side of the bed across from me. Why is he so concerned? Psh. I guess I am getting a little jealous.
"She's sleeping like a baby." Nana says
"That's good." Ax replies
"What's up with you?" I yell
"What do you mean?"Ax says
"I mean? You know what I mean!"
"No! I don't!"
"Shhhhh. Sky!What the hell is going on?" Nana says
"Ugh! You people are so weird!"
I stand up and leave my room. I go into the kitchen and sit down only to find Axel right behind me. Ughhhh
"Babe? What's going on?"
"I don't know Ax. Why are you so concerned about Rose?"
"Babe! I'm concerned because she's your family! I know how you care so much about her so I want to help you protect her and make sure she's safe!"
I try pushing out the cutest sad face ever.
"Babe. Please don't think like that."
He comes over and hugs me tightly. I smile. I'm still a little nervous though.
"SKY!!!! AXEL!!!!" Nana calls from upstairs.
We both run up the stairs to finding Rose sitting up and eating.
"This is great,." I say
Axel is smiling, of course, but I believe in what he said before.
"Hi." Rose says in a soft sweet voice.
I laugh and hug her almost squeezing her to death.
"Hi! Rose are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, I am actually."
Wow she's really pretty. The only difference is that she has beautiful blue eyes. Damn I wish I was that pretty...
"You've been asleep for a whole day, you must be feeling good." Nana says.
"Thank you, so much. For saving me. Grandma I miss you!"
"Oh my baby!" Nana hugs her.
Ok now I'm really jealous.
"Hi I'm Axel, nice to meet you Rosalind."
She smiles and shakes his hand.
Ugh the way they look at each other. Ew she's blushing, and Ax is giving her a flirty look.
"He's my boyfriend." I say with a low tone voice.
"Oh" she whispers
Great now I have a new problem to deal with.

***AXEL'S POV***

It's half past nine and nana and Sky are watching T.V. I go upstairs to check on Rose because she's all by herself. I knock and go in. She's already sitting up.
"How you doin?"
"Great." She says
"That's good."
Man her blue eyes are really pretty.
She mind-links  me~
'Is my sister really your girlfriend?'
I mind-link her back~
'Well to be honest, I don't know...does Sky know about you?'
'Know...?' She asks
'About you being a...'
'Where wolf.?' She asks
'Yeeeah.' I say
'No, she doesn't.'
'She will become one soon though.'
'Well I mean I can turn her into one, In order for her to be Luna....'
'So you're going to change her??'
'Well- I mean no, kind of- but it's only to help us'
'Well I wouldn't put her through the struggle, if I were you, I would stick to a where wolf.'
There is a long silence in the room and we stare at each other.
I mind-link her~
'I think I found her..'
'I think I did too.' She says

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