Chapter 6

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Two weeks later and Reed had more than paid for his mistake. He had taken the full day off work the week before to spend with Ayah in her bookstore, celebrating her book signing, in payment for missing the personal appearance of Anoushka in her first chain store signing. On top of that, he had also bought her a special photo frame, inscribed, and containing the professionally set acceptance letter from Bethen, to the publishing company. Along with it, he had taken a second day off to take Ayah and Olivia to the fairground.

The weather wasn't brilliant lately with the winter days coming in fast and so he left Ayah and Olivia at home, snuggled up in the warm house, doing some clean-up work after the Halloween festivities. Gideon had appeared to help with removing the decorations while Anita sat an exam at college. Which was why he was so surprised when he was disturbed, during a phone call to an investor, by the entrance of Amita backing into the room followed by Seth. "You cannot go in there. You are in breach of security." She insisted in a snap, suddenly coming to a stop with a stomp of her foot. Seth stalled nervously before clearing his throat and gaining Reed's full attention.

With a sigh and a shake of his head, Reed apologized to his investor for the interruption and promised to call him back if necessary. When he hung up, he gave a quick signal to Amita that she could leave and the interruption didn't need to be removed by security. "Sorry kid, but I promised Ayah I'd stay out of trouble." He apologized to Seth as he reached into a drawer and pulled out a folder he would need later on. Another cough made him look up to see Fred and Abe standing with the kid, which only infuriated him more as he stood up and confronted them.

"I can't! Not now we've got Olivia." Reed was fed up of always getting caught up and drawn back into the agency's business. Particularly when it had nothing to do with him. He had given them his whole life and when he married Ayah, he had sworn that she came first before anything else. He had already got in trouble for investigating Blake's reappearance, even just asking for her agreement before taking on another case for the agency would land him in hot water.

"You don't understand boss, you have to come with us." Seth sighed, trying to capture his attention long enough to explain. He was really worried and he could see that Reed was angry but if he would only listen, then he could explain why they needed him so badly. They weren't even supposed to be in the country. But when their local gunrunner Laurent had been found to associate with Blake, who had moved to New York, Murray had shipped half the team across to the Big Apple in order to take care of it. And warn Reed of the latest predicament. But what had happened now was much worse.

"I don't have to do anything, you little shit." Reed argued, his frustration building. Seth didn't mind being on the receiving end of his temper, since he knew it really wasn't directed at him but the agency. But this was important, so he butted in with all the authority he didn't feel.

"It's about your wife."

The words and the look on Seth' face shocked Reed into silence. This was serious. With a nod that he would go along with them, he picked up his coat and had a brief word with Amita. He followed them out of the building and around to the parking lot, into a large SUV, which was fully equipped with computers, monitors and surveillance equipment. It seemed something big was going on and Ayah had once again found herself in trouble.

"A week ago we got word of Blake being involved with a local gunrunner in Ashfield, shipping guns and drugs out through antiquities using his old contacts. Murray sent us across to investigate. Then a few hours ago we received information that a new shipment of antiquities were being brought into the country. No change there, since we knew about Blake's new business." Seth began as he and Fred sat in the long seat across from Reed. They were ready to explain everything they knew and everything that was going to make him angry.

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