The Torcher

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She wanted to go out and find him but how could she? She couldn't just sprout wings and go into their land looking for him. Not only will that ever happen but if she was like them she would be the only female, and so they would get suspicious.

No, she couldn't just walk five miles to look for him, but she had to do something. Lauren despretly searched everywhere in the cave. She looked for secret doors, anything but found nothing. She hadn't seen Josh's room because she respected his privacy. But then she got curious, he's a stone devil, what would he even have in there?

She gently opened his door and found it surprisingly normal. There was a bed, dresser, pillows, blankets, a mirror, and a few pictures. But what surprised her more is finding the pictures of her. All were fantastic pictures of her smiling and laughing. Lauren thought, 'obsessed much?' but noticed one picture stood out. On the wall was of her but with a mad and unimpressed look. Scribbled in black maker over top was: Why would thou pick you out of all the men of hue.

Lauren scrunched up her face and thought, 'he's a poet' and looked around trying to not think about the picture. She looked at the mirror and noticed two bloody handprints at the top, and below in red blood written: murderer, thief, traitor, stupid, ugly, stone, DEVIL!

Lauren cried out in realization. He had turned human, he had insecurities, had self hate, and had even changed! And she had changed him back to his devil self! How could she be so stupid!? She screamed a bloodcurdling scream and poured out  all those tears at that instant.

And in that instant a red flash went off and she stopped for only a second to see what the hell was going on. Once the flash went off, a voice spoke in the air, "Lauren, pull on the mirror and go inside the safety room, there you will get instructions"

She did what she was told and pulled on the mirror. There behind that sad mirror was a tunnel and where it lead to she didn't know. But she had no choice, what else could she do?

She crawled through the tiny, tight tunnel and jumped onto a trampoline. How it get there she had no clue for everything today felt weird and strange.

The same voice as before spoke once again, "Lauren please select an emergency on the screen," a screen popes up and showed multiple emergencies, "then I will take it from there." Lauren scanned the screen and had to laugh, Emergency #12: Period started and there is no pads/tampons/chocolates.

She found the one that described what she thought had happened: Emergency #34:  Josh left but hasn't come back. Quickly she pushed on the button #34 and a loud sound went off in the distance. Lauren was scared, she didn't know how to feel right now. Happy for his emergency security, sad he left, or scared for what will happen to her.

The siren in the distance had stopped and replaced with horrible blood curdling screams, but those screams weren't of humans, they were of the Stone Devils.

The voice has not spoken within ten minutes, Lauren feared there was nothing she could do. Then all of a sudden the voice spoke easing her fear just a bit, "Josh has been captured, and I am required to take you to a more safer hideout"

Lauren panicked, "Wait! I can help! What can I do to help?!" The voice answered back, "Nothing, you are to be at a new hideout. You must come"

Lauren growled in frustration and hit her fist on the wall, leaving the wall undamaged and her knuckles bruised. A chair appeared within ten feet of Lauren and a few buttons beside the weird chair.! Lauren thought as the voice encouraged her to get into the chair. But then a plan came up, and she had to make sure, "Is there a parachute in the chair you know, just in case?" "Yes" The voice answered.

Lauren smirked and gently got into the chair examining the buttons that were just saying up, down, left, and right. She pushed up and up she went. What was once a dark, yet homey cave turned into such of light and forests beside oceans with so many nature surroundings. It was time, she jumped off the chair and a parachute followed, clutching onto her back.

She pulled the string hanging and her body jerked up as the parachute took off, sailing the wind. Lauren knew where she would land and made that her goal, and within minutes she reached it. Lauren landed in a soft, "Ooff!" And unbuckled the parachute to free her to the forest.

She didn't know exactly where the Stone Devils hid but she knew what to do, so she just kept walking, hoping for one of the Devils to come out and catch her.

About one hour later, and a million stubbed toes and trips Lauren was found. "Hey you! Get back here!" She had to act her part so she ran, 'afraid' of getting caught. "Got ya!" The devil sang, gripping her arm, "Your coming with me" and off they went towards the place where the Devils rest, hell.


He was exhausted, the poison had gotten into his system and was now traveling his body, slowly, painfully, and oh so exhaustingly. He had been chained to a desk, his wings nailed to the upper desk, his arms and legs chained down, and his mouth wide open, full of a guard. They have been experimenting on him for what seemed like days, they never took brakes. They had asked him multiple questions and he never answered. Why should he? It's none of their business and it would put her in danger. But, shouldn't he not care about her? knew his heart still warmed at the thought of her, he knew that his heart had no protection against such beauty. So why deny it?

His thought were interrupted with a fist lodged into his face, "Answer me!" Josh spat out the guard and slowly, painfully moved his head glaring, for all the guards knew he wouldn't answer so why try and ask him questions? "No" he sneered through his teeth which earned him a sharp slap across his stone hard face. "Then so be it" the guard sneered back and gave a hand signal.

Just then his arms and legs were pulled in opposite directions, his wings were un-nailed and stretched into an uncomfortable stance then nailed back down. Josh couldn't hold his scream back and screamed so loud lights went out in the sound of his cry. His stone skin had cracked and some of his skin had broken off, making him look used and broken.

The pain stopped and the guard stood before Josh with a small smirk, "Now, answer me" Josh couldn't talk nor do almost anything for that matter so he gathered all the spit in his mouth and shot it strait at the guards eye. Furiated, the guard made the signal again and with that more pain came.

Josh screamed and cried out but no matter what they did to him he wouldn't give up the information of the human he had stolen. A large crack and more pain shot out in his left arm and Josh couldn't look, for he knew what had happened. He was just about ready to pass out when the guard yelled, "Stop!"

He looked up with drowsy orbs and saw the guard with horrid eyes, "H-how is this possible?" Josh gave out a small confused look and tried to look to his arm but was cut short by passing out.


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