Prince of Knights Chp24

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Salam and hello my readers, hope you guys are well. Insha'Allah y'all will like this chapter. 


~*Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity~*

Seven nights traveled over the sand dunes ever since Faris's grandmother returned from Umrah, along with a hurdle Raghad did not desire at all. Not even a day sailed by where that woman was not present, either in the house or when she went to the well to fetch water. Raghad attempted to disregard her presence and was fortunate as long as she did not allow her eyes to land on Adhari.

Raghad smiled at Jazee and Faris's other younger cousins who were congregated around her in the rear of the house, near the chicken fence to learn how to recite the Quran. Umm Faris had overheard her daughter-in-law a few nights ago recite the holy book and requested that she taught Jazee how to read and recite the Mushaf in an impeccable manner and Raghad was exceedingly beatific to have such a noble task upon her.

While the children did their reciting Raghad sauntered around terminating her daily duties. She glanced at the children over her shoulder then bend down to fill the goat-skin with water Shouq had brought from the well not a while ago. She hissed when droplets of chilly water dribbled down on her aqua gown and a shiver enfolded her body.

"Raghad, binty." Suddenly a voice called out for her.

Raghad sighed then looked up from her task to see Umm Faris amble towards her. With a radiant smile on lips the bride rose to her feet. "Na3am Aamty?"

"You must send the children to their home for now," Raghad frowned. "I failed to recall that I had to send butter for Fahad's aunt as she is out of it," she fixed the side of the shawl."I shall be joyous if you deliver this, binty."

Raghad glanced down at her hands to see a mud bowl filled with fresh butter. She smiled. "Insha'Allah Aamty do not fret. Is there anything else I can aid you with?"

"La ya Raghad. You already have done enough. Very well, you must depart now before Shamma speaks of this with her brother, Mubarak. Bu Faris adores his sisters immensely." Umm Faris laughed and Raghad joined grateful that it was not Adhari's mother she had to interact with.

The bride swathe her large black shawl around her head and form then ambled up to Jazee in order to apprise them to depart. Raghad sighed when she witnessed the despondent look in Jazee's heavenly eyes. She knelt before the young girl with the bowl in hand and placed her other hand on Jazee's small shoulder. "You must not despair. I shall return soon, and when I do we shall have some yogurt."

"But Shouq commanded me to not have yogurt."

"I will persuade her, do not worry, hayati."

Jazee's eyes lit up like the radiant sun up in the sky. "Wallah?"

The sister-in-law nodded with a smile on her lips. "Now run along and play." Jazee cackled then sprinted away with her Mushaf protected in her tiny hands.

Raghad stood up, dusted her gown and made her way to the front of the house. She dropped her head as she stepped out of Sheikh Mubarak's house. The tribe was animated as always, tribesmen and women who were immersed in their daily lives passed her now and then. As she proceeded further her eyes took in the women who sat on palm mats and twirled yarn on drop spindles. Children froliced in small circles and young boys battled each other with tiny wooden swords. Raghad stood still for a while to peer at the massive cauldron on open fires and the smoke that rose towards the sky.

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