Temple Tannon Has A Bad Day Part Four

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After attending to Moretz's shoulder, the woman surveyed Temple's body

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After attending to Moretz's shoulder, the woman surveyed Temple's body.

Had it been the first dead body she'd ever seen, she might've puked. A full view of the crazy woman's pulverized eyes (like grapes) nearly had her gagging, but she held back.

Besides the ocular deformity, nothing about Temple stood out. She had an average body, long, bright colored hair, and white skin already beginning to sallow over from lack of life.

A fly landed on Temple's face right in the space where her eyes used to be. Blue Eyes shooed it away.

Poor lady, flies comin' for her already.

To Mortez, she said, "She knew."

From his spot on the floor, he sat up, wincing as he went. "Knew what, Ada?"

With a lot effort, Ada ripped her focus away from Temple's body. "She knew I was in her head. I kept her from shooting us both. She wanted to kill us."

"Her perception may've come from the very thing which killed her: her eyes."

Ada joined Moretz, helping him up as gently as she could. He gritted his teeth, choosing to stay silent rather than complain. It was a very un-Moretz like thing to do. His personality reversal still amazed her, but she asked about Temple, ignoring her father's odd actions.

"What was with her eyes anyway? I've never known composites to explode."

He shrugged off her extended offer to help him walk, though not unkindly. His shoulder hurt, not his legs, he explained. After he grabbed Temple's interface, contemplated the body of their former contact and her blown irises, he finally answered Ada's query.

"I've heard of off-market composites being ill-configured, with horrible side-effects."

Ada strained her eyes, aware of how lucky she was to have use of the precious things, trying in vain to see what Temple had been railing against during her last moments. The ceiling was pocketed with dark spots from water leaks, but little else.

"She saw something. Not sure what it was."

As if to contradict her statement, something dark slithered along the side of the wall, but Ada blinked, and the something disappeared. She rubbed her eyes. Must've imagined it.

Quickly and unkindly, she reached into Moretz's pocket to pick out Temple's interface. Before he could object, she slipped it on, flicked her wrist to activate it, and proceeded to flip through the files splayed out on her arm, stopping when she reached the relevant parts.

"At least she didn't die in vain, the liar." Ada held up her arm for her father to read. "She was able to get four transfers, only she planned on using one of them. Now, I can use it."

As they departed, Mortez re-activated the disapperating door.

Inside the dark room, the fly landed on the remains of Temple's eyes, beginning its feast.

Inside the dark room, the fly landed on the remains of Temple's eyes, beginning its feast

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A/N: Before reading onward, don't forget to vote. I'm grateful for every bit of feedback.

Likewise, I adore every new follower, like XxShinaXx. Peek at her page 'cause she's got a pretty wicked romance reading list!

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