Chapter Sixty-Four

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The thick, lined drapes were failing miserably in blacking-out the glare from the spot lights that surrounded the house and gardens. Between the artificial, orange glow and the infernal ticking of the bedside clock, her mind refused to let up and allow her body to sleep. Her stomach growled, reminding her that sleep wasn't the only resource she was low on. Unable to digest both the conversation and food Briggs had offered, she'd bid him goodnight two hours earlier, retreating to her 'new bedroom'. As hunger pangs gnawed at her again, she got up, wrapping a cream, towelling bath robe she'd found, lain across the foot of the bed. Carefully, she opened the door. The corridor outside was gently lit by a small table lamp, positioned on a wooden bureau. Hannah stuck her head out and listened for signs of life. Hearing nothing but the tick of the clock behind her, she padded towards the living area.

After trying three separate doors, Hannah located the large, private kitchen for the living quarters. Decked out entirely in stainless steel and resembling a hospital kitchen she'd once cleaned, it had that same sanitised smell too. In the far corner of the room a dishwasher gurgled and droned on its last rinse cycle as Hannah rooted around the kitchen, looking for a quick snack. The refrigerator was one of the large walk-in variety, and the door seal hissed as she opened it. Met by a rush of cold air, Hannah shivered as she tentatively took a step inside and looked in awe at its contents. From floor to ceiling, on every wall, thick shelves looked close to buckling under the weight of the food they were holding. It seemed as if every type of meat, cheese, vegetable and fruit was represented in the small chilly room. All this to feed one man!

"What do you think you're doing?"

Hannah spun around to be confronted by the housekeeper, who stood at the door, wearing a dark bath robe, her hair in rollers.

"I'm sorry. I was hungry and couldn't sleep."

"Well, you should have eaten more, earlier," Maud said, reaching in, placing her hand on Hannah's shoulder and pushing her towards the door.

"Out, out, out. I'll make you something quickly. You should have been asleep hours ago."

Hannah found herself back in the kitchen, watching as the short woman set about making a sandwich, grumbling as she went.

"Sit down then," she ordered.

Hannah pulled out a high stool at the kitchen counter and did as she was instructed. "So you've worked for General Briggs a long while, then," Hannah prompted.

"I have."

"And you like working for him?"

Maud stopped spreading butter on a piece of bread and gave Hannah a her stern look.

"What's like got do with anything? It's my job; a job I'm very lucky to have."

Maud threw a couple of slices of ham onto the buttered bread, topping it with another slice from the loaf.

"W...what I meant to was, is General Briggs a nice person to work for?"

Maud tutted as she sliced the sandwich in two.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offence."

The housekeeper picked up the plate and placed it down in front of Hannah with a bang.

"The General's been very kind to me and my family over the years."

"Err... that's nice," Hannah replied, barely able to hide the scepticism in her voice.

Maud laughed. "Nice! It's a bloody miracle, that's what it is. I reckon I must be the only seventieth that ever graced these corridors. Until you came along, that is," she finished, pointedly.

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