Chapter 11

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(Image above is Max, although his actor may change)

I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Max continued to stare down at me emotionlessly as his apparent... Boyfriend pushed me to the ground. My tears of happiness quickly turned in to tears of pain and betrayal as I realized that Max was  paying no attention to me whatsoever, instead wrapping his arms that once held me around this imposter. 

"W-wha-" my words were cut short by a feral growl and the feeling of arms around my waist, pulling me up from the ground and slipping around my waist. I snuggled into his chest, unable to hold back the ocean of tears that plagued me. 


I thought that he loved me...

I thought that he was with the Goddess...

Osias held me in his iron grip, and I could feel his heart beating frantically in his chest as I pressed my cheek against it.

"Who the fuck are you two!?" Osias snapped, baring his teeth in a protective manner. I could see his pupils dilate in pure rage as he scanned over the Max and the man next to him, looking as if he was ready to snap someone's neck. 

I peeked out slightly from between Osias's arms enough to see the small man jump back to Max and hide behind him as he gripped his hand again, obviously intimidated by the hulking figure that is Osias. Max may be large, but compared to Osias he looked like a scrawny teenager. Regardless, Max cleared his throat, flicking his eyes up to Osias's and standing firm.

"Maxwell Spencer." he introduced himself before gesturing to the small man behind him who was still cowering away. "And this is my... Partner. Gus." I whimpered in pain at the sound of his voice, but when he mentioned his partner I couldn't help but crack a small smirk through my tears. 

Gus. That's an ugly name. Perfect for the ugly person that he is. 

I peeked out further as I saw Gus look at me with a scowl, and stuck my tongue out at him in retaliation before burying back into Osias's arms. For the first time, I didn't want to move away after a few moments and instead found shelter and comfort in his embrace. 

"And may I ask why Gus decided to assault my mate?!" Osias raged, his eyes swirling with gold as he attempted to hold his wolf back from tearing into the couple. Max simply chuckled to himself in a humorless manner before flickering his eyes over to me. I held his gaze for less than a second before tearing my eyes away. It's nearly impossible to look an Alpha in the eyes for more than a few moments  unless they are your mate or you are of an extremely high rank. With me being an Omega, I can barely stand to look in his eyes at all. 

"He was just playing, that's all." Max attempted to negate the situation, playing it off as if nothing was wrong. "Maybe you should teach Berlin to mind his own business." he continued. I didn't miss the dark look that came across his features and spread into a cocky smirk, twisting the features of his once handsome face. 

He looked like a completely different person. 

"I thought that you were dead!" I suddenly blurted out, slipping out of my hiding space but still remaining wrapped up in Osias's comfortable arms. I felt my bottom lip tremble as I stared at him, locking eyes and refusing to let myself back down. "But all of a sudden you're in California? With another man? I saw your mangled body..." I choked out, falling to my knees and sobbing heavily into my hands as my body shook with pain. 

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