Chapter 9

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My 4th wattpad birthday is coming up so I'm giving away chapter dedications and reviews and naming a character after a reader. More on that at the bottom of this chapter :)


I put my hands over my lap so Riley wouldn't see me crossing my fingers. Trying to keep the smile on my face and going for a casual tone, I asked:

"Why don't you come with us then?"

"Like on..." He made a barely noticeable pause before going on. "... This Friday?"

"Yeah, tomorrow," I replied, wondering what he'd originally meant to ask.

"I'd like that."

His reply was soothing music to my ears.

"I'm crazy about the movie and I can't wait to meet Ken."

Trust me, he can't wait to meet you too. Him, and mom, and dad, and Keri... A whole bunch of people are eager to meet you, Riley.

"Just don't call him 'Ken'. It reminds him of Barbie's boyfriend and he hates that."

I took a large gulp of my coffee and he nodded.

"You have a bit of cream over your lip," he murmured.

Riley reached out to wipe it off, my skin flaming at his touch. My eyes shut and my nostrils flared, inhaling my mate's appetizing scent. My fingers flexed and I balled my fists, doing my best to stay in control as I felt the familiar vibrations in my muscles.

I cannot shift here. I should not shift here. It will put the pack in danger. It will scare the patrons. It will scare Riley.

I slowly opened my eyes. I could see the bar clearly, I could see Riley clearly, I could even see the details on the cups in the shelves behind him.

I loosened my fists and let out a breath.

My vision was normal.

It was human.

I'd managed to keep the shift at bay.

"Thanks." My voice was but a barely audible murmur.

He tilted his head to the side, looking at me with a thoughtful expression. A tiny crease formed on his forehead and he was quiet for about a minute before he started a topic I had no wish discussing.

"Hey, Rhys, is Alec only into guys or does he go both ways?"

"No one knows what Alec is into. He uses sex to manipulate both genders and is equally careless about the feelings of either."

I picked up the mug.

About anyone's feelings. Sexual partners, family... I couldn't add friends to the list because as far as I knew, he didn't have any. But whatever Alec considered you to be, he didn't give a damn about you. He didn't give a damn even about his own father who was literally losing sleep over him. As a matter of fact, I was sure that Aleksei would grin if he heard about that.

I sighed and placed the mug back on the bar.

"That's what Alec does: he uses whatever it takes to get into people's heads, to make them do his bidding..." To allow him to feed on them. "... And when they are no longer useful or start to bore him more than the average person - because Alec finds almost everyone boring - he'd move on to his next target; it's his favorite pastime."

And then he'd leave them as the same emotions wreck as the person before them. About a year ago, he had hooked a girl so much that she'd given all of her savings to a private detective and was ready to sell her house just to have that man find Alec once he dumped her. I could still hear his obnoxious, loud laughter when he found out about that. He wasn't even attempting to hide how hilarious he found her desperation. The worst part?

We are the Answer {boyxboy} ✔ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book I | Rhys)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora