Chapter 31: Unsaid Feelings!

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Caroline's POV

Do I tell him or do I not tell him? I know he would have loved our baby. But now that he doesn't love me, will he love my baby? The Doctor took my blood and said that I can come to collect my reports tomorrow.

Daniel came in after sometime with a guilty expression on his face and sat down beside me. I looked away from him.... typical nagging girlfriend huh? I will never ask him for anything again. "I'm sorry.. I know it's coz of me. Even the Doctor said I shouldn't stress you out" he said and I acted as if I didn't listen. "And he said you're good to go home. And this name card..... he said you can go visit this doctor if you want to" he said keeping a card on the table next to me.

Soon we were already in our penthouse. I didn't speak to him.. not a word. I quickly went into the other room. Everything was still scattered but who cares. I picked up the pillow from the floor and threw it on the bed and I jumped into it. I heard the door creaking and then I turned back to see Daniel throwing his pillow on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I got up abruptly.

"Since you won't sleep in our room. And I know it's a waste even asking you to come back. So I thought I'll only come and sleep in this room" he said getting adjusted.

Hmm... alright then. He comes and asks me for forgiveness and I should give in to him so easily all the time. Not this time. He has only seen his sweet Cara. He hasn't seen how bitchy I can get if I try. I picked up my pillow and blanket and left the room so that I can sleep on the couch in his living room.

After some time, "Cara..... What are you doing here? Come back.. let's go sleep in our room." He said.

"Who's Cara. I'm sorry if I remember my name's Caroline" I said giving a fake smile.

"Car-... alright. Caroline. Come back to our room" he said. Actually demanded!

"Nope. You sleep in your room. I will sleep in the other room. If you want that room as well I'd rather sleep here or on the floor" I said angrily.

"Cara! Come on.. ok. You want to know the truth right? Why I don't touch you? Ok then. That's because I was scared that I might hurt you like that day" he said and I was shocked to know his reason. That's it? This was his stupid reason? But he continued "And there's something that I've been hiding from you.. I don't feel like getting into bed with you after lieing to you. It's like I cheated on you! I feel the guilt. I can't even look straight in your eyes" he said and I was listening patiently all along.

"I know what. You're back with Natasha. That's what you were hiding all this time right?" I asked with a hurt broken heart.

"Yuck! Why would I go back to that women? Heights of imagination!" He exclaimed. Then what is it? Looking at my curious expression he continued "It's something related to your Dad and mine." He said finally.

"Oooh.... you asked Sam to continue with the investigation?" I asked to which he nodded. "That's the reason you're feeling guilty? That you told me that the investigation will stop but it didn't?" I asked and again he nodded. "Thaaat is why you stayed away from me? You couldn't lie to me? That's why you avoided touching me at any cost?!" I asked and yes he nodded again.

"I love you Cara. You should know that. I would never cheat on you. How can you even think such a thing?" He asked with hurt.

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