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I did double updates, make sure you read & maybe Vote ( subtle ; )   ) on this before reading the next one. :)


Sometimes people become too shocked to respond, this is definitely one of those times. I must be hearing things.

"A-Don't call me that," because that reminds of the old you, I wanted to add.

"And B-Why would you be living in my house?" I asked.

"Because your uncle permitted me to live here." he said with a 'duh!' expression.

"And if I may a-

"You may not" he stated with a smug expression as he moved to take out food from the oven, his jerk self is definitely restored.

"Ask, why exactly would he do that?" I continued with a glare.

"Because I work for him (he is the assistant) and wanted someplace to move in." He stated like he was talking about the weather.

"Because your house obviously isn't big enough for a seventeen year old?" I asked sarcastically.

He banged the door of the microwave as soon as I said that. And with that he deserted the kitchen leaving me alone to wonder what I said wrong.

Why would he work for my uncle?

Why did he leave his house?

Why will he want to live in the house of the girl, he clearly despised.

And what did I say to make him all grumpy?

Is it just me or is the jerk totally unpredictable?

While all these thoughts ran through my mind I waited for the pizza delivery guy to arrive, as the bell rang I rushed out and grabbed the pizza, I was so hungry because I hadn't eaten anything the whole day except for the coffee, Mase and Luke offered me at the airport.

I woke up to the sunlight glistening on me through the slight gap between the curtains on my window. I got fresh and changed into one of the few clothes I packed during my panicky state back at my apartment.

I headed down stairs to ravish the smell of freshly prepared pancakes with chocolate sauce, one of my favourite things of all times. I looked around the kitchen, my eyes searching around for him, the cook of the delicacy in front of me. Not finding him anywhere I sat on the chair in front of me and smiled inwards at the thought of him cooking food for me.

NO! What am I thinking?

Anyways why did he bother setting a plate for me? I tell you he's so difficult to understand one moment he's all angry young-man and the next he all caring and loving...... IDIOT!

Even though he made it..... but still, pancakes should never, like never go to waste like that. They are just too yummy to be wasted and as much as I hate to admit it, that person can cook, and that too real good.

Why can't he be miserable at everything, just like he is in studies.

Well for one he doesn't even want to be good at them, unlike every other creative art. Which he actually excels in.

Wait, that's totally not true. I'm better than him in most if those things.

Most of them not all.

Okay, really need to stop talking to myself!

With these thoughts I ate the pancakes and headed out to Andy's to meet Care.

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