Chapter 15- Jelly Tot Rings And Fiddling With Keys

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Amanda's POV

Austin drives me back to my house in his sexy car. I really wish I had an awesome car like this. We get out the car and walk to the door together. I walk up the steps,  fiddling with my keys. According to Hitch, if you fiddle with your keys it's a sign you want to kiss a person. Except I actually can't find the right key. Damn it. Stupid key.

I turn around to face Austin once I've found the right key. He's down on one knee. Don't laugh Amanda. "Umm... Austin, what are you doing?" To be honest when someone got down on one knee for me I didn't expect them to be this hot. "Will you, Amanda Dowley, be my fake girlfriend?" Austin took a ring out of his pocket, it was silver and instead of a diamond stud or anything like that it was a replica of a jelly tot that looked real. I kind of want to eat it.

I laughed and nodded. Austin smiles and takes my hand, slipping the ring softly onto my finger and then he stands up. "Glad you had fun, Miss Jelly tots." I did. "Thanks Austin, see you at school tomorrow?" Austin nods, "I'll come and pick you up okay? Since apparently I am dating you now." Austin laughs and winks. I nod and Austin walks back to his sexmobile I have decided that that should be the word in the Amandictionary for Austin's sexy car. Sexmobile.

So I guess Austin is going to be my fake boyfriend. Does that mean I get to kiss Austin Diesel? I should've asked. Maybe I should have gotten him to write me a one hundred page essay on dating because I honestly do not know a thing about it if I can't even keep a boyfriend without him cheating on me. Sex? Is that the answer? I mean every guy seems to want it. So much so that they are willing to cheat.

I smile at the thought of kissing Austin as I walk into my house, turning on the lights. "Surprise!" Someone shouts.


A/N: *sings* Dun Dun Dunnnn :P Yup so can you guess who it is? Looks like you will just have to read and find out ;) You should listen to this song that I put in this chapter, I really like it :P Maybe you will too, listen and see... Thanks so much for reading my book, it means so much to me <3 Seriously, it makes me so happy :D xxx

Song: Nobody Love- Tori Kelly

Question of the day: What is your dream car?

Lots of love and jelly tots - TPG

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