Chapter 6

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Jza opened her eyes with a bleary moan but squeezed them shut again as a shaft of light pierced through her vision, hurting her eyes. She blinked a few times before adjusting herself to the cheery sunshine.

The weather had taken such a glum turn during the siege that it had felt like the sun hadn't risen in so many months. Dark storm clouds had taken over the horizon like a bleak blanket pouring down upon the battered soldiers mercilessly making their lives a hundred times miserable. How ironic it was that on the day fighting had officially ceased the sun had decided to make its appearance as if waiting for it to be safe to come out. Coward, Jza thought meanly before turning around to look at her unfamiliar surroundings.

The room was sparse and not one she had ever been into so her confusion was justified. Her head buzzed faintly; unpleasantly and the world lurched precariously and it took a few moments for the it to steady itself. And then it hit her; she had been poisoned last night.

Jza was hyperventilating over her brush with death when an elderly man entered the room with a scowl. He did not address her in any fashion and rudely jostled up her, prodded her as checked her temperature.

"Where?" and she stopped realizing the question was stuck in her swollen throat. 

"Zis is ze Infirmary," The older man crocked with disdain, his accent making a mash of her language.

"This is not the infirmary. I have been there before."

"Da," The man raised his nose higher with a twitch of the beard, "Goridians have no concept of natural harmony. Zeir previous infirmary possessed such chaotic energy zat itz a wonder anyone got out of zere alive."

"I see," Jza answered skeptically. She knew of her enemy's traditions were seeped in superstition but this was ridiculous. Jza patted her parched throat idly when she noticed the absence of a very precious belonging.

"Where is my locket?" She asked the old man with narrowed eyes.

"I know not what iz it you speak of."

"Where is my locket?" She growled quietly. The slow deliberation of her tone was enough to catch the man's attention. He looked up but before he could even twitch she caught him by his collar and pulled him towards her.

"Do not make me repeat my question," Jza threatened feeling her heart pounding a million times a second. The old man spluttered, horrified to be in his position. He had imagined her to be a meek, ill girl but his current state refuted all his assumptions.

"Tsk, tsk, threatening a defenseless old healer, Miss Ashbrook," Jza looked at the door and Lord Tarquin stood there with an easy grin adorning his face.

"I want my locket back," She urged feeling a tremor run down her body. Half of her wanted to be vicious and violent while the other half wanted to break down and cry. It was not easy maintaining a calm face when all she wanted to do was fall apart. Without the locket everything was lost.

"Don't worry, it's safe. Here," Lord Tarquin patted his front pocket.

"Give it to me!" Jza urged wondering what he was waiting for.

"Why?" The curves of his lips twitched in blatant amusement as he pulled the chain out and tangled the locket around a finger as if studying it.

"Because I will choke this man if you do not do so," Jza threatened not realizing how close she was to tears. Her eyes were filled to the brim and her vision blurred violently.

"Do it. Pavel is getting far too old for active duty anyway," Tarquin shrugged uncaringly, ignoring Pavel's groan of dismay. Jza released the healer roughly now that she knew her threats were futile. She knew the Lord well enough to know he would soon be giving her pointers on how to strangle someone more effectively than actually save a life. A tear slid down her face in despair. It was over.

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