Chapter 5

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All credit goes to Valentinesdaygreen a great deviantart writer.  

  {Reader's POV}

            I sat in the bed with the blankets pulled over my shoulders as I hugged my knees to my chest, a million thoughts running through my mind at once. He ate organs? The claws, sharp teeth and gray skin already proved that guy wasn't human, but that little tidbit of information was still a bit much to process. Remembering the strings of flesh hanging from his teeth made me shudder. Where had he gotten them? Had he eaten...?

            No, more importantly, what had he been eating before this? If I assumed he wasn't human, then his diet might consist only of organs. How long had he been here? My mind conjured images of Buddy going on his weekly shopping trips into town, stuffing an extra cooler in the back of the truck. Images flashed through my mind of the backseat, now seeming to highlight a partially hidden hunting rifle on the floor. I felt the color drain from my face and quickly leaned over the side of the bed just in time to vomit. At this point I'd already vomited most of the food I'd eaten so I found myself spitting out stomach acid instead of food chunks. Just staring at it made me feel even queasier.

            The door suddenly opened again and I raised my head to see the masked monster known as Eyeless Jack standing in the doorway, holding a plate with a sandwich and a glass of water. I couldn't see his expression under that mask, but I imagined that it must be surprised based on the way he glanced between me and the floor. After a second he sighed and set the plate and glass on my nightstand, taking care to step around the fresh puddle of stomach acid on the floor.

            "You're a bit high-maintenance, aren't you?" he muttered, shaking his head. "Where are your cleaning supplies?"

            "Um... The closet towards the end of the hall," I replied meekly, wiping my mouth and taking a giant gulp of water in an attempt to wash away the wretched taste of vomit. He grumbled something under his breath as he left, returning a minute later with the necessary cleaning supplies. I just watched awkwardly as he cleaned it up. Why was he cleaning it? 

            "What's your password?" he suddenly asked, snapping me away from my thoughts



            "The password for your laptop." His tone was a bit impatient, making me flinch.

            "Oh, it's, uh... 'mnc-dash-444,'" I replied, wondering why he'd need it. "All lowercase."

            "'Mnc'?" he repeated, casting me what I assumed was a curious glance.

            "It's short for... mac-n-cheese," I mumbled, feeling my face turn red. He gave a small nod and returned his attention to cleaning, casting a glance at the sandwich once he finished.

           "Not going to eat?"

            "I'm... not too hungry anymore..."

            "...I'll leave it for now." With that said, he collected the glass and left me alone once more.

Chains: Eyeless Jack X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن