025: Revenge

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Troubled with Tattoos

Chapter Twenty Five


"Where are we?" I whispered to Lizzie. It was past midnight and we were roaming the streets of a rich neighborhood. The boys' words, 'stay inside', kept replaying in my head. Lizzie drove to a park nearby and said we should walk the rest of the way. The houses looked like mansions with huge yards and expensive cars. We must've been far from the center of the city to see houses this big and country like. The question is; why are we here wearing all black as Lizzie demanded?

"This is Karas house," she grins. I didn't realize we stopped walking until she spoke. My eyes looked up to find a gorgeous white mansion. They clearly had their own landscaper since their lawn was as green as Declan's was.

"And why are we at Karas house...?" I asked curiously. Lizzie smiled innocently throwing a black beanie over her head. Oh god, we're breaking and entering. And she said the boys were bad influences.

"We're getting revenge," she said as if it were obvious. I nibbled on my bottom lip nervously. Sure I wanted to get back at her for starting rumors and lying but did I want to break the law for it? No.

"What if I'm completely okay with not getting revenge?" I asked nervously watching as she climbed over the picket fence. It wasn't too tall but it wasn't small either. Tall enough to where you can't jump it but small enough that you could climb it. She hopped over the fence easily landing with a quiet thud. My heart raced, I was never a bad kid.

"Come on Vi, it'll be quick and you won't have to do anything," she claimed as she waited for me on the other side. As much as I'd rather wait in the car and hear all about her plan when she was done, I figured waiting outside dressed like a robber is just as bad as going inside as a revenge seeker.

Placing my hands on the top of the fence, my legs worked there way up. I sat at the top which was highly uncomfortable. I looked around her yard but Lizzie was nowhere in sight.

"Lizzie, where are you?!" I whisper yelled. I held myself above the top of the fence that was stabbing me in all the wrong places. I heard a creak looking back over the side I came from.

"Oh hey, I opened the gate for you but looks like you got it covered," she whispered. I huffed as I hopped over the fence landing with a thud. If she had been five seconds faster my ass would not be hurting right now.

"Come on, I think her rooms on the first floor," Lizzie stated out of breath. I didn't want to ask how Lizzie knew the layout of her house so perfectly. She leads me to their backyard which had a covered up in-ground pool. I gulped wondering what would happen if we got caught. 

She stopped at a certain window that was cracked open just enough to pry her fingers to open it. Lizzie stuck her boney fingers in the crevice slowly opening the window. She lifted it as far up as it could go before she started climbing inside. My heart raced as I stood there awkwardly. She landed inside quietly beckoning me over. I sighed grabbing onto the window as I slowly slide inside. Why must I succumb to peer pressure so easily? Of course, I didn't land as quietly as she did. In fact, I landed on my face.

Lizzie held back a laugh. Her walls looked to be a deep shade of red. I was about to stand up before I saw a certain boy in a picture frame. 

I pushed myself up off the floor taking a deep breath. I silently walked over to her dresser where the picture was standing. It was an old picture, Austin looked younger with his hand wrapped around her waist. Why did she still have this picture out? Why was she so obsessed with him even though he's made it clear he was done with her? He promised me and I believed him. 

"If you were a dress where would you be?" Liz whispered to me. I shrugged before glancing at the closet in the corner. I pointed towards the closet and she followed my fingers direction. As she was doing whatever I decided to sneak around a bit. I peeked over at her desk finding nothing but the average things a girl would find. I wasn't quite sure what exactly I was looking for.

"Hey, look what I found," Lizzie whispered behind me causing me to jump. 

"After this, she won't even go guaranteed," Lizzie reassured. She pulled the scissors out of her pocket and grinned.

A familiar voice interrupted Lizzie plan. Looks like Kara was home after all. Lizzie was under the impression she would be out all night. We froze eavesdropping on her conversation.

"I'm not lying, I can show you if you'd like." She spoke softly. Lizzie held her hands up to resemble a phone. She must be on the phone. Looks like everyone knows shes a natural liar.

"Austin, what do you think my fathers going to say when he finds out?" She giggled. Lizzie grabbed my arm and tugged me towards to the window to leave. Kara's voice grew closer.

"Exactly. Better smarten up Austin because everyone's about to learn our little secret." She said. I climbed out of the window behind Liz and managed to just to make it past the window when Kara's bedroom door was opened. Lizzie gave me a look of relief but also full of worry. What did she mean by our little secret?

"We should go," Lizzie whispered. I nodded. We climbed back over the fence and left Karas rich neighborhood. 

"How did you know where Karas room was anyway?" I attempted to joke but it just sounded harsh. Luckily Liz caught on to my horrid attempt at joking. We were upstairs in my bedroom, I couldn't help but peek glances at Austins balcony which remained dark and empty.

"We used to be friends in middle school," she mumbled. I nodded slowly sighing. 

"What do you think they were talking about?" I asked sitting next to her laying my head on her shoulder.

"She lies about everything Vi. Dont let it get to you, that girl is literally crazy. I heard her father was apart of some mafia and his traits must've passed down to her." She laughed. I froze at the mention of mafia. Her father was apart of Windrose? Why didn't the boys tell me this?

"Who are you taking to the dance?" Lizzie asked. I hadn't really thought about that. Did I need a date? Then it dawned on me that both Lizzie and Rose would have a date. I sighed suddenly not wanting to go to this stupid dance.

"You could go with me and Cash, he won't mind." I rolled my eyes, yeah, of course, he won't. Going to the dance alone would make me the perfect bait. I needed one of the boys.

The doorbell rang suddenly causing us to jump.

"I think you should get that," Lizzie said as she sat up.

"Are you kidding what if it's a serial killer?" I joked. On the inside, I was slightly nervous that it was indeed a murderer. I really hoped it wasn't Austin again with another munchies episode.

I opened the door to reveal a tall pizza man. My eyebrows knit together, we didn't order a pizza?

"I think you have the wrong house?" I said. He looked down at the piece of paper in his hands. Weirdly, he wasn't wearing a uniform and he didn't have a pizza company car. Was this a prank?

"Are you Violet Morris?" he read. I hesitated to answer, I slowly nodded my head yes as the kid seemed purely innocent.

"Then this is the right house, have a good night," he said practically throwing the pizza box in my arms. He skidded away in his sedan that sounded like its seen better days. Maybe Liz ordered it?

"Liz, did you order a pizza?" I called to her. She showed up behind me just as confused as I was.

"No, what pizza joint delivers past midnight?" she questioned. I set the box down on the counter opening it slowly as I mumbled an 'I dont know'. I half expected a threatening message from the boys rival gang. But much to my surprise, it read something else I definitely wasn't expecting. On the inside of the box, it read.

I know this is cheesy but will you go to spring formal with me

the fireman

"Who's the fireman," Lizzie asked. I smiled remembering the first day of school.

"That would be Cam." I blushed.

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