Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Your people are free, X-013. They've been living outside their cages for at least six years now.

The male guarded the entrance to the cleansing room while Paige tended to her needs, but her words still haunted him.  While under the cover of his blanket, cocooned by her warmth and scent, she had spoken to him for hours and revealed an impossible truth. X-013 wasn't just a test subject or a number —he was New Species. It was the name chosen to represent his kind when Mercile was destroyed, and their prisoners had obtained freedom at last. They were no longer looked upon as animals, but respected as a race and protected by a human government. They lived in places called Homeland and Reservation, large plots of land surrounded by high walls to protect their community. Males and females lived in their own dens.  No more cages. No more experiments. 

No more pain.

To ensure their safety and independence, his people had formed their own system of justice called the New Species Organization. Humans were a part of the task force and worked for his people. Good humans, Paige assured him. Her mother was a member of that team, and it was for that reason Mercile had kidnapped his little female in the first place.  Their intent was to use Paige to control her mother, but she had resisted. As punishment, Dr. Malcolm had ordered her daughter's execution.

Thus, they'd thrown her at his mercy.

Not for the first time, X-013 stared at his hands with something akin to shame. They were scarred and accustomed to violence and death.  He'd sworn to keep Paige safe, but the memory of her neck within his grasp still lingered. She had been so helpless and frightened of him, yet prepared to accept her fate. His female had courage, and at once he understood why her mother had chosen her name.

Paige is a warrior, he thought, feeling a surge of pride. My little warrior.

"Are you okay?"

X-013 dropped his hands as he turned to his female. She rested her shoulder to the entrance of the cleansing room, blue eyes narrowed on his hands before resting on his face. They were filled with concern for him, he realized. A peculiar feeling tightened inside his chest, and like the crooning noise from his throat he was certain Paige was the reason for it. Without a word, he closed the space between them in two long strides and cradled her face in his large hands. Her eyes widened when he lowered his face, but they closed as the tip of his nose brushed the length of hers up one side and down the other.  As always, he trailed it down to her neck and took a deep breath before his lips feathered over her bruises.

Her fingers touched his hair, massaging his head in gentle circles and she snickered when the strange noise was coaxed from his throat. Paige liked it, so he didn't mind it now so much.

Still, it felt strange.

X-013 leaned back and glanced down at her left foot. Earlier, he'd examined the sole and found a small shard of partition glass embedded in the skin. He'd pried the thing out with his nail, a procedure he did not wish to repeat again for it had caused her much pain. He'd rushed Paige to the cleansing room to wash the impurities from the wound, though she insisted the discomfort had receded.  This didn't stop the male from lifting her into the cradle of his arms as he made his way back to their den.

"You don't have to carry me, big guy," Paige said, resting her arm behind his neck. She quirked a brow at him. "I can walk."

"No." His arms tightened and brought her closer to the warmth of his chest.

Paige opened her mouth to protest, but her hand grazed the cloth wrapped around the wound on his arm. She frowned and lifted a section of it with her fingers. Her face paled when she caught a glimpse of the cuts the creature had given him with its tail. They hadn't healed all the way through, but the burning sensation had disappeared.

Shield - A New Species Fanfiction (Wild at Heart Chronicles, Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ