19. You know I never got your name

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Thirteen's POV

My hands grip the pages of the book forcefully as I sit in my seat in the café booth fuming. I adjust the fake glasses on my nose yet again as I pretend to be interested in this stupid book.

I was irritated with Jason, who wouldn't get off my back this morning about how the plan I came up was never going to work, and blah, blah, blah. I was mad at Devin who I found going through the new phone I had picked up this morning. But most of all I was pissed off because of how I woke up.

Cody had his arms wrapped around me. Now, normally that wouldn't bother me at all. If it wasn't for the fact that I felt all warm, comfortable, and safe. Safe to say I was livid.

I feel like tearing this book in half and I probably would too...if it weren't for the fact that we were currently sitting and waiting for Mr. Zack Martin to show up.

By we, I mean me and the boys. Jason and Devin were currently sitting at a table outside right by the entrance. Cody sits in a booth by the back door, and Chase sits at a table in the middle of the room.

I had reviewed his daily routes one more time and had concluded that this was where he spent most of his time. He would come here to study, hang out, or do whatever else. He's also a major player. So we're using that to our advantage. All we had to do, was make sure he notices me.

Of course, it probably helps that I'm currently sitting in 'his' booth.

Apparently, he doesn't sit in any other booth ever. So naturally, I decided I was going to sit in it. And I am...and it's quite comfy.

"Uh excuse me?" A loud voice asks, breaking me out of my train of thoughts.

I glance up through my eyelashes to look at the owner of the voice, my hair shielding my face. Target acquired. I turn my gaze back to the book, ignoring him.

"Excuse me." He states a little louder.

I continue ignoring him, pretending like my book is the most interesting thing in the world.

"Excuse me." Oh, I hear his teeth gritting together this time.

I flip a page in my book.

"Excuse me!" He roars. I glance up at him again, holding my head up high and letting my hair move out of my face. I watch as he seems to be at loss for words.

"Yeah didn't think the nerdy looking girl was pretty did you?" Devin snickers through the earpiece. I mentally roll my eyes.

I continue to watch him for another minute before turning my attention back to the book.

"Well hey there." He says, his voice sounding so much nicer than it did earlier, as he flashes me a heart-stopping smile. I snort.

I flip a page.

"What you reading?"

I flip another page.

"Do you want something?" I ask, my tone slightly rude. He gives me a lazy grin.

"Why no, no not at all. What makes you say that?"

I stare at him, face blank, "You came over here looking hell-bent on murdering me and now you're trying unsuccessfully to get my attention."

"Can't a guy change his mind when he sees a pretty face?" He says smoothly, any other girl would've already swooned and jumped in his arms. But unfortunately for him, I'm not your average teenager.

"Not without sounding like a girl." I retort.

"Did it hurt?"

"Pardon?" I ask, trying to sound like a polite little girl.

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