Outside The Lines {11}

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                                                                                ***Theo’s POV***

                Dimitri pressed his lips to mine. I struggled against him at first before giving up and kissing him back.

                My lips melted against his and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting him. With my eyes closed, I could him dressed normally. I could imagine him in plain blue jeans, with a regular solid colored T-shirt. The stupid purple fohawk gone, leaving only his light brown hair.

                As if following my thoughts, my hand slid up and tangled into his soft brown hair. My finger brushed the hard gel from his fohawk.

                Dimitri parted my lips with ease, and his tongue rubbed against mine, exploring my mouth. His hands slid down, gripping my hips and drawing my body closer to his.

                I like Dimitri Ivanov, I like Dimitri Ivanov, I like Dimitri Ivanov…

                Again and again, it repeated in my head. I liked Dimitri, and I couldn’t deny that anymore. As much as I hated it, I knew it was true.

                Dimitri drew away from my mouth, pressing his forehead against mine. “Just admit it, little Theodore.”

                “Yea,” I mumbled, dropping my gaze and glaring at the floor. “I like you.”

                He tilted my chin and pecked my lips. “I could tell. Then again, I can’t blame you. Everyone could fall for my fabulous self,” he said with a smug grin.

                I rolled my eyes. “Just don’t tell anyone.”

                “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He gently stroked my cheek, his frosty eyes staring into my wet green ones.

                “You were flirting with Thalia yesterday,” I said.

                “I flirt with a lot of people, little Theodore. I’m a flirty person,” he said, laughing.

                I pushed his away from myself and ran a hand through my hair. “I really just made out with Dimitri Ivanov in the bathroom. And I like you. What the hell is happening,” I said, shaking my head.

                Dimitri leaned against the wall, crossing his arms and watching me. “Why are you acting like it’s such a big deal, little Theodore? Attraction is part of life. You don’t chose who you’re attracted to. It’s just a feeling. And in this case, it’s a mutual feeling.” He smirked.

                “So now what?” I asked helplessly.

                Dimitri shrugged. “Oh, can we secretly date? I’ve always wanted a secret relationship.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

                “Can you take this seriously?” I snapped.

                “Little Theodore, I don’t take anything seriously. It’s how I get through life,” he said, chuckling.

                I slid down against the wall and buried my face in my hands. “This is a nightmare.”

                Dimitri slid down next to me, putting an arm around me. “Oh, it’s not that bad little Theodore!”

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