The Beast of Blood

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Benith didn't see us off before we left.

Instead, on the dawn of morning while I lay with my eyes closed trying to sleep, Benith walked in through the door with a forlorn expression. I didn't see this of course because my eyes closed but I hear the thud of his boots against the floor coming nearer. I kept my form as still as possible while he sat wordlessly on the edge of the bed, Eden slept beside me in a bundle with her creepy doll in hand. I heard him kiss Eden as she slept before placing a copy on mine, "I never forgot you nor will I stop loving you."

When he left the treehouse both me and Eden opened our eyes sadly. Eden faced me and she looked at me with her quivering lip, the feeling of guilt overtook my feeling of fear.

Why am I trying to take her away from her family, my family?

I pulled out my mothers book and skipped to the last entry, desperate to find the answer.


Eden was sent yesterday to her sisters town. The pain of watching my child drift a over the violent waters was enough to drive any mother crazy but at least the forest had no pull on her in the town. I now have face the ultimate sacrifice to the forest. I hope that my dear Wendilin has read the letter and has listened or obeyed my desperate warning but I fear the townsfolk will not take kindly to this letter. This will be my last entry to this book, before I pay the ultimate sacrifice...death.

I wrap a arm around Eden and let out a sob. I now understood why we needed to leave. Because, no matter how many times 'Benith' said he loved us or cared for us, our actual father died the moment our mother did.


"Come on. Just one more step," I say holding my arms out to Eden. She was climbing down the ladder at a snails pace and wasn't getting any faster. She jumped into my arms making me stumble backwards, leaving deep imprints on the ground. I set her down and tightened the straps of the backpack before I stood for a moment and looked up at the trees. Long gone where the black claws of death replaced by the trees of home. The route that was described and drawn in the red book was vague, meaning a single wrong turn would be crucial in the twists of trees. I ran my fingers over the carved curves of a pencil, imaging my mother sketching and writing upon the book.

"Wendy, come," I chuckle as the little girl drags me in the right direction and I couldn't for the love of my figure out how she knew it was the right direction.

We walked for hours, and although it felt as if we were walking in circles because of the similar trees the map had clear landmarks that we identified. I also discovered little details when walking, the trees weren't dead rather discolored. When we sat under a dark looking willow I noticed it's white leaves littered on the tips of its branches and the small gray flowers that stayed hidden to the eye while moving. I also noticed Eden's adventurous sprit because of her light enthusiasm and the fact that she did not complain once on the long trek, rather she asked questions, a lot of questions.

"Wendy, is Lucas your boyfriend?"

"Have you tried chocolate milk?"

"Where do babies come from?"

I didn't answer the last question, but the other simple conversation starters where much needed in the long hours of the journey. When the grey clouds started turning black I realized that night was closing in on us and I shivered when I remembered Benith's warning yesterday.

"Don't ever, I mean ever, walk at night in the forest," He said placing Eden's doll on the bag.

"Why?" I ask stubbornly as he continues packing.

"You don't want to know."

I shiver involuntarily as the darkness clears the sky and leaves the moon to shine its light on us. We had reached the safe house which was just a platform high on the tips of a dark oak. When we reached the top the moon had revealed its rays on us with all its glory and nothing prevented us from looking in admiration. As we lay under the stars and moon, Eden set her doll skillfully on the edge of the platform so the porcelain took as little space as possible, that didn't help a lot though because I still had to fold my legs slightly. I closed my eyes and try to sleep against the hard wood but couldn't sleep at all knowing that the creatures of my dreams could be anywhere. I looked cautiously at the doll before laying my head against the bag and fell into a deep sleep.

A large growl interrupted my slumber and my hand shot out for Eden. She was still fast asleep and her creepy doll stood still on the edge of the platform, leaving me to wonder where did the noise came from. I turn around under the light of the moon to look at the base of the tree. A figure stood at the edge of a opposite tree, their head was bald with large scars tracing their skull. I gasp when I see the figure of Tabithia lying next to the creature who I think was a man.

In a quick movement I turn and slide to the middle of the platform, hoping he didn't here my small sob. Tibithia, my supposed mother lay still on the ground with her neck slashed open and eyes ripped from her skull. I peeked my eyes through a small gap in the wood and looked at the bloody scene, the man clutched Tabithia's shoulder before ripping her head clean off. I let out a wimped causing the man to look up, I gasp, it was Benith except his face was covered in blood while his eyes seemed to be missing. The look of his face was enough for me to look away and let out a shaky breadth and then only I realized that if I made a sound I would end up just like Tabithia.

I wrapped an arm around Eden to bring some reassurance to my vibrating chest, but in the spur of hurry I mistakenly hit my foot against the porcelain doll making it fall backwards. I grab it with my feet and pull it up before closing my eyes hoping that Benith (or whatever that creature was) hadn't seen it. Slowly my clenched hands and eyes loosened and I fell into the moons silent lullaby.

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